Make Up Talk

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By: FaithHopeLove21

5 Common Mistakes of Most Pinoys When Putting Make Up on:

Girls put make up on for almost the same reasons. Most of the time it is to feel, not to be, more beautiful and confident.

When I was younger, i've seen how most Filipino do the same way of putting their make up on. Sometimes they, especially the first timers, do some minor mistakes that makes them flab instead of being fab! Now, here are five of them.

•The Blue Eye-Shadow This is what i dont understand. Why on earth would pinoys always opt out for a blue eyeshadow? Like why? Somebody tell me why?

Dont get me wrong, i dont have anything against the color blue but are there no other shades available such as nude, pastels, and smokey colors.

Here's the thing about eyeshadows, it's all a matching game. Your skin color needs to match the eyeshadow that you will be using. You have to make sure that the shade is just right for your skin color, the rest of your face, oh and your outfit as well.

This is very essential because choosing and using the wrong color and shade of your eye.shadow can turn your face into a hot mess.

•The Thick Eyeliner

Now this is what I noticed about most ordinary pinoys. They always! Always always put eyeliner on both the upper and lower parts of their eyes. Now there's nothing wrong with that! It's all cool but what I can't accept is the fact that most people are putting it in the wrong way! Using the eyeliner is good but please, yiu have to consider the shape and size of your eyes. One significant aspect to also consider is the wanted result of your overall make up.

Make sure that your eyeliner matches your total face and outfit get up. Oh please don't ever cry! Especially when your eyeliner is not waterproof because it will surely look like there's a flowing canal coming out of your eyes


•The Pink Blush On

Here's another pretty important problem when it comes to pytt Ng make up on.

Why the heck do you need so much blush on your face? Like why?! Give me a valid reason!

Are you trying to be chinchansu or those really white dolls with red cheeks?! Again, it's all about balancing! Make sure to put just enought blush on your cheeks. You don't have to cake yourself up with it.

Use the rught shade and color of blush that you're gonna use and apply gently not aggressively.

•The Red Lipstick

Red lipstick is good, in fact i use it as well but! The problem is when you overdo it.

Here's the thing about red lipstick, you can always use it. It's not bad! But when your upper face is already caked with make up, you have to go easy on your lower face and vise versa.

If your eyes and eyebrows are already patched up with too much make up, you have to go easy on your blush and red lipstick. Do not use a bright red lipstick, instead opt out for a nude or slightly pink one.

You also have to consider your outfit. Ask yourself this "would my outfit be a good match with my red lipstick?"

• Lack and Excess Of

Remember it's all about enhancing your features and not just beautifying your faces.

It says in the bible in Psalms 139:14 "I praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully; Your works are wonderful. I know that full well."

Everyone is beautiful in their own way. We are all created uniquely an Wonderfully, therefore do not try to cake yourself with make ups on. Instead, just use it to enhance your pretty faces' features.

Or better yet, do not use anymore make ups and just rock your natural self out

This is pretty much self explanatory when putting make up on. Everything has to be balanced and put just the right amount.

The same goes with how we view ourselves when we are looking at the mirror. You should have the right amount of confidence. Not conceited but at the same time not insecure.

Do not put make up on when you are thinking to yourself that "oh I look so ugly, I only look good if I cake my face up" or "I'm so beautiful that everyone's jealous of me." Just as how you are going to balance your eyeshadows, lipstick, eyeliner, blush, conceiler, foundations, mascara, etc. Make sure that your level of self-esteem and confidence are also well mended.

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