Depression in One-Shot Report

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Depression in One-Shot Report

TOPIC: Depression

By: LexGarcia

So your favorite character was just killed in the story and you felt so depressed that you don’t want to read the book anymore. Did I use the word depress? Now, I’m confused. What do we really mean when we say depressed or depression?

Many people use the word depression to explain their sadness or downswings in mood when experiencing life’s struggles, setbacks, and disappointments. But depression is much more than just sadness. As the World Health Organization put it, depression is a common mental disorder, characterized by sadness, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, feelings of tiredness, and poor concentration. And the worst is depression can lead to a suicide impulse.

So, are you really depressed when you said that the story you’re reading depressed you? Maybe we should now talk about the signs and symptoms of depression to better understand its meaning. Feeling very hopeless, losing your interest in daily activities, and even self-loathing are just some of the signs that you’re depressed. Some people who were also diagnosed with depression had experienced significant weight loss or weight gain, sleep changes, and loss of energy. Other patients were engaged in reckless behavior such as compulsive gambling and substance abuse before knowing that they’re already under the category of depression.

Depression is a big word and it requires careful understanding. Sometimes, those who say that they are depressed are the one who are not. Sometimes the least person you expect to be depressed is the one who ends up in a suicide attempt. You can save a life. If you think you, your family members or friends have these signs, help them by seeking a professional help.

Reference: World Health Organization, HelpGuide.Org

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