chapter 14 New friends

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Desdemona: No no this can't be.

Rozu: Well that's the dream I had. So don't argue with me.

Desdemona: "Well maybe it was just a dream. I don't want to hear about this again.  I need some air." She walks away with anger. "No way. Our village has always been loyal. How can there possibly be a Trader?"

She walks into the forest and goes near the lake and sits next to the water fall.

Desdemona: She looks at the water. "Perfect I should be able to get some peace and quiet here."

She lays down on the grass and looks up at the sky but before she could close her eyes.


Desdemona: "Huh?" She looks over to see two demons and humans standing there.

Kagome: "Well your being rude." She gets mad.

Miroku: He covers his face. "Here we go again." He shakes his head.

Shippo: He jumps on his shoulder. "Yeah you said it."

Desdemona: She steps out. "Who are you?"

Inuyasha: "Ha like we should tell you." He holds his sword on his shoulder.

Kagome: She turns around. "Inuyasha."

Desdemona: She begins to get shy and backs away.

Kagome: I'm sorry, he's always like that. My name's kagome. What's yours?

Desdemona: Desdemona.

Inuyasha: "Ha dumb name." He jumps on a tree and lays down.

Kagome: She turns around with anger. "SIT BOY!"

Inuyasha: He falls. "AAAAAA!" His body was flat on the ground. "Grrrrrrrr you'll pay for that Kagome."

Desdemona: So where are you headed?

Kagome: To the demon Slayer village.

Desdemona: Why?

Kagome: We were told by other villagers that a demon Slayer women took a Jew shard after fighting off a demon centipede. We plan on getting it back.

Desdemona: "The demon Slayer village." She looks at them with joy. "Oh I know where that is."

She was about to tell them intill Miroku touched her behind.

Desdemona: She turns around. "EEEEEE!" She slaps him across the face. *What do you think you are doing?*

Miroku: "Awe." He puts his hand to his face.

Inuyasha: "Can't you think of something better to do?" He crosses his arms.

Desdemona: She looks up at the sky.  "Hey it's getting late. Would you all like to spend the night?"

Inuyasha: "Well this doesn't involve Naraku. We should go." He looks at her with seriousness.

Desdemona: She looks at him. "Wait he knows about Naraku?"

Miroku: He turns to Inuyasha. "Don't worry we will find him but it would be easier if we all had a good night's sleep." Than he turns to Des. "Of course we will my lady."

Shippo: "Yeah." He puts up his fist. "Do we have to solve everything for you?"

Inuyasha: "No how about I solve it for you." He makes a fist about ready to punch him in the head.

Kagome: Stop.

Inuyasha: Why should I?

Kagome: She turns her head. "Not in less I tell you to sssss."

Inuyasha: He backs away. "AAAA!"

They all walk to her village.

Desdemona: She gives them all food. "Here you go."

All: Thank you.

Des can hear her brother and sister playing demon Slayer outside with little children.

Kuba: "ROOOOAR! I'm the demon, I'm gonna get you." He changes at them.

Children: "No you won't." They run.

As Des finishes up with her dinner, she over hears Kagome, Inuyasha ,and Miroku talking. Shippo fell asleep.

Inuyasha: "When Naraku gets the Jewel shards, we will get him." He leans against the wall.

Kagome: She smiles. "We will find him."

Miroku: He finishes drinking tie. "Knowing Naraku, he's probably  hiding well in that village."

Desdemona: Her eyes widen. "How do they know about Naraku? What do they plan to do with him? He's not the enemy? He loves me for me. Oh help me. What am I going to say to them."

She sees Toge leaving.

And why does Toge keep leaving the village every night?

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