chapter 18 Helping hand

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Inuyasha: He looks left and right. "What the hell was that?"

Kagome: "Inuyasha I've got to find Desdemona." She rushes into the forest. "Des please be ok and just hold on intill I get there."

She looks over to see Des unconscious.     

She was left laying there in the snow. The snow was coded in red and there was blood dripping down from her shoulder.

Kagome:"OH NO DESDEMONA!" She rushes over and picks her up. " Don't worry Des."

Naraku: He hides in the cave. "Hmmmmmmm. It's that girl again. I'll just have to wait intill she leaves."

Like a twister, he exits.

Kagome: She looks up. "Was that Naraku?"

As she crossed the river, the noise only got louder. She finally reached the village but before she could get Des to safety, Grrrrrrrrrrr. She turns over to see a gigantic demon fox looking right at her and des.

The Fox had red eyes, nine tails, it was aggressive, and it was starving.

It was just about to dive onto her but all of a sudden.


She turns over to see Inuyasha come charging out of Desdemona's house. He jumps right in between them.


Demon fox: "YELP." It jumps back. It shoots fire at him.

Inuyasha: He went flying back. "AAAA!" He falls onto the ground. There were burnt marks all over him. "Damn."

Desdemona: PLEASE STOP!

Kagome: "INUYASHA STOP!" She rushes up to him.

Inuyasha: He pushes her back. " STAY BACK!" He changes at the fox again. "Ok you mangy fox, let's see what you got." He waves up his sword.

Inuyasha was just about to end the demon fox but before he could, Des jumps out in between.

Desdemona: "STOP!"

Inuyasha: He turns around with shock. "WHAT WHY!"

Desdemona: "Because she's hurt. Please stop." Tears began to run down her face.

Kagome: Inuyasha stop. Desdemona is right, we should help that demon fox.

Inuyasha: His ears perk up. "What are you crazy?"

Kagome: Inuyasha please.

Inuyasha: "Fine." He rolls his eyes.

The demon fox shifts into a smaller fox.

Kagome: Her eyes sparkle. "Awwwwww look it's a baby."

Inuyasha: He rolls his eyes. "Yeah what ever. Now let's go."

Desdemona: "Come here. I won't hurt you." She gently picks up the demon fox.

Demon fox: She begins to fuss. "Yelp Yelp yelp."

They all enter Desdemona's house just than, Miroku, Sakura no Hana, Shippo, and Kiki enter.

Shippo: He begins to feel surprised. "What is that?"

Kiki: Are you stupid? It's a baby demon fox.

Sakura no Hana: She turns around with excitement in her eyes. "Can we keep it?"

Kiki: No but I guess she can stay the night.

Sakura no Hana: "YAY!" She begins to pick her up. "Awwwwww such a cute baby."

Demon fox: She shoots a shadow ball at her.

Sakura no Hana: "AAA!" She drops her.

Shippo: Jumps back. "AA!" He hides behind Kagome's shoulder.

Inuyasha: "What's the matter with you? You can't just go picking up demons like that." He gets ready to punch her.

Kagome: With anger she turns around.

Inuyasha: He backs up. "AAAA why are you looking at me like that?"

Kagome: Inuyasha sit boy.

Inuyasha: He falls. "AAAA! Will you cut that out?"

Desdemona: I need help.

Miroku: He volunteers. "We will also help."

Sakura no Hana: So will I.

Inuyasha: He lays on the ground with his arms crossed. "Yeah like with need help from somebody who picks up demons without thinking first."

Kagome: She turns around in anger. "SIT BOY!"

Kiki: "Grow up." She crossed her arms.

Inuyasha: "Why you." He begins to get up.

Kagome: SIT BOY!

All: They rap her lag, gave her food, water, and a bed to sleep in.

Desdemona: "There." She begins to pet her.  "See know body's going to hurt you." She turns to Kagome.

Miroku: He begins to smile at Sakura no hana. "You know you would make a very great monk." He begins to get to close to her face.

Sakura no Hana: "Really you think so?" She backs up scared.

Shippo: He rolls his eyes. "Here we go again."

Inuyasha: He crosses his arms and sits on the ground. "That's all he does."

She sees her smiling and laughing with her friends.

Desdemona: "Ok I Have to do it. I have to tell her the truth." She begins to get very nervous, her face turns red, and she begins to sweat. "Please forgive me Kagome but it's best you know."

With showing a lot of fear, she steps in front of Kagome.

Desdemona: Hey Kagome? may we please talk?

Kagome: She looks up at her. "Of course."

They both walk outside next to the lake.

Kagome: She begins to look at her with worry. "Is something wrong?"

Desdemona: There's something I need to tell you?

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