Chapter 29 - Something new

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Azelia's P.O.V

"Why so dressed up?" My curious mother asks.

I freeze a little unsure what to tell her but Cam came to my aid. "She's going to show me around town."

"I don't think thats a good idea. Carl said I shouldn't let you leave the house." My mom says while setting two plates of pizza infront us.

"Why? Did I do something wrong?" I question.

"He did not say. Thats the last thing he said before he left." My mom says.

"He left?" I ask. "Did he tell you where he's going?"

My mother shook her head. "I didn't ask. You know your father works alot."

"Its summer. He doesn't work, he's on break." I point out but she already knew that.

If she doesn't know where dad is going, as a wife shouldn't she be suspicious? We finish eating in an awkward silence. When we're finished my mom takes up the plates and we head upstairs.

My mother's voice stops us halfway. "I know you aren't going listen to me so just go. Be careful and be back before 11:00."

We both sigh in relief, now we don't have to risk falling by climbing through my window. We both look at each and giggle. We just nod and move towards the door.

Before I leave I ask my mother one more time. "Why 11:00?"

"Thats the time your father will be home." She tells from the kitchen.

I furrow my brow and Cam gives me a confused look. "Mom, if you don't know where he went then how do you know when he's coming back?"

I here no reply, in ten seconds or more I hear her say, "Have fun."

I close the door and Cam just shrugs when I give her back the confused look. Why are my parents suddenly so weird? My dad is always busy even though he's on break, that's a first. And my mom is suddenly cool with everything and let's me get away with everything, thats so not her.

I hear a snap of a finger. "Earth to Zee. Come on its already 4:00pm."

I snap out of it and nod. She makes her way to the opposite side of the street.

"Where are you going!?" I yell but not loud enough for anyone but her to hear.

She turns around and whispers, "To the hide-out?"

"I know but you can't just go into an old abandoned building like that." I tell her.

"But its not an old abandoned building." She says confused.

I rub my hand over my face and sigh, "exactly!"

She furrows her brows until she loosens it when she realizes what my point is. She walks back over to me and whispers, "are we waiting for an invisible car or something?"

I just laugh, "follow me."

I carry on down the street and she follows.


"We've been walking for about an hour." Camila complains. "Are we even gonna go its already five. I'm starting to think we really are waiting on an invisible car."

I was actually enjoying the walk but that wasn't the plan at first so I agreed with her and head back to our planned destination. One more hour after we are close enough to take less than ten steps to finally reach. In the black of night I felt satisfied that our entry would be unseen.

"Let's go." I say gripping her left hand and pulling her across the street. She doesn't fight my grip instead she steadies her pace with mine.


"Couldn't we just walk right in? You are like always welcome here." Cam asks.

"Barging in wouldn't be smart trust me." I warn. "Unless you want them to think its somebody coming to kill them. Sure they wouldn't shoot at the first swing of the door."

She slims her eyes and let's out an, "okay..."

On cue the door cracks open revealing the point of a gun, as expected. Camila holds onto to my wrist emitting her fear.

"State your business and it better be good because-" says a familiar voice that I found now annoying.

I interject, "just put the gun down. Is this a rehearsed speech and is it suppose to intimate people? Because if I'm being honest its not working."

I hear a faint sigh while the door swung open releasing that familiar scent of weed and alcohol. I for one still feel disgusted by it but when I look to my right I can see Camila inhaling all of it like a sweet scented cologne. How does she even enjoy this?

The masked man pulls of his masks and walks back to where he was. "It's your girl boss and she brought a friend I don't know if I should let her in he-"

"Shut up, she's invited anytime. Never question her decisions." I hear Nathan's voice and my entire body freezes while my heart thumps in my chest.

Camila literally lights up and tugs on my shorts telling me to enter. I roll my eyes playfully and proceed. I walk in and Camila follows, when we are in eye range all eyes are on us.

Nathan's playful stare focused on me only. The other men never dared to stare at me too long so they focused all their looks of desire on Camila. The females were too drunk to even be bothered except for one whose heart stopped at the sight of my friend.

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