Chapter 32 - First kill

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Azelia's P.O.V

If I knew this was going to happen I would have stayed home because now I can count more than fiffty guns pointing in all positions. When Charlie raised hers first, Anthony and his men raised theirs, then Nathan and his men raised theirs. The only persons not holding a gun is Cam and I.

I grip onto Nathan's free hand and Cam straddles my waist with her shaking hands. In a split second all this happened and I'm absolutely terrified.

"Its him Ze-ee, that's the mo-otherfucker!" Charlie's voice cracks from behind me.

I knew it was him from earlier, but why would Nathan let him come tonight? He knows that Charlie wants to kill him, she makes it obvious.

I turn around, "please put the gun down. This won't end well for none of us."

I knew if she fired then other shots would be fired and someone or even more will die tonight. Knowing am I also in the middle of it, I might not live to regret coming here tonight.

"I don't care! If I die today, I die knowing he won't live another day." She tenses the gun and we all knew she is going to shoot.

I close my eyes, waiting to hear the sound of her gun go off. In a way, I was kind of glad she would get to kill the wicked man but I'm still overly scared for all of our lives if this ends bad.

With one quick shot I feel the dreadful stain of blackened red, blood. All over my face and body. I can even taste the bitter taste that found its way pass my parted lips and into my mouth. The smell was what I couldn't take and I scream.


"What the fuck!!" Nathan lets out.

"I never came for any trouble bro but that bitch was gonna kill me. It was me or her." Anthony shrugs putting his gun back in his waist.

Nathans does the same and sighs. "Back to more important business. Somebody clean that up."

Its his choice of words that got me pissed as I let go of his hand. Anthony and the men pass us and joins the crew. Everybody was now acting like nothing happened, as if her life didn't matter and it makes me furious and sad at the same time. Nathan grabs my hand but I pull away again.

"Don't touch me! You are not the Nathan I once knew, in fact you are not him at all!" I cry. "How can you let him kill her and nothing comes out of it? She trusted you and respected you. Hell she would have killed for you!!!"

He hugs me, "shhh! Its okay."

I became so angry that I pushed him away as hard as I could and pulled his gun out of his waist. I don't know how to use a gun but it can't be harder than pulling a trigger.

"Annntthhonnyyy!" I call out still sobbing.

He turns around with shocked eyes and I pull the trigger.

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