A Sport that Advertises Itself

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Title: A Sport that Advertises Itself

Topic: Badminton

Written by: forfatter

What is badminton other than a fun exciting racket sport? Is badminton a sport? What indeed is a sport?

Sport is a competitive activity involving physical and mental skill that fulfills one’s personal aspirations and objective yearnings. And going by this definition, badminton would fit the bills in anybody’s mind.

Badminton compares favorably with any sport, certainly with any racket sport, judging by the sheer physical exertion and mental concentration involved. Badminton is one of the fastest racket sports and the fastest racket shot has been recorded in badminton.

The average badminton match may not last as long as a tennis match, but the average time that the shuttle is in play is significantly much longer than the tennis ball. Also, the average badminton rally lasts much longer than in tennis, and the number of shots taken in a second, especially in a game of doubles, is many more than in tennis.

The on-court movements in a game of badminton are also more, with a player completing nearly a mile on the court. Also you are on your toes all the time, constantly changing positions and lunging and exploding in different directions to retrieve and return the ball.

The game also involves intense mental concentration, just like chess, continually anticipating and pre-empting your opponent's moves.

From the health’s perspective badminton is a sport providing a complete overall workout for the body and mind. When you practice or even play a full match of badminton you will have been moving for at least 30 minutes and you will be using muscles that you are not always aware of. By moving your body quickly around the court and swinging your racket for the shots you are exercising almost every muscle in your body without even thinking about it.

Badminton is certainly an intensive racket sport. It outstripped tennis in terms of increase in popularity, at least in the rest of the world. This is one game, which is dominated by the non-white people.

The media and some commercial sponsors do not perceive the game as popular. It always foreshadowed by less television coverage. But in reality a number of people who are taking the sport are steadily increasing. It is not popular or exciting like basketball, football or baseball but to the truly loyal badminton fan, the game advertises itself.

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