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Topic: Calamities/ Journalism and Disaster Risk Reduction Management


“When you wake up in a storm, trees will all be standing tall, I’ll come to you you’ll never be alone” – Right Where You Belong of Julie Anne San Jose

            Disease, Death, and Aging are the three inevitables in life according to William Camcuamba, but like them, Disasters are also inevitable, and just like love, disasters are unpredictable and irresistable. But like love, we can lessen the risk and damage it gives with the right knowledge.

            There are different kind of disasters, and each of them has different causes, effects and preparations. Earthquake, Typhoon and Fire are examples of these Natural Phenomena.

            Typhoon is the most common disaster here in the Philippines. It is because we are a tropical country and surrounded by seas. Almost 20 typhoons are crossing our country every year. But typhoon is not a big threat now, as the modern technologies can detect the incoming storms. The newscasters are also there to notify us, they are working with the journalists and weather forecasters so we can be ready, they can tell us what to do by means of broadcast media.

            But broadcast media is not the only way for us to be aware and prepare for those natural phenomena and weather disturbances. Unlike typhoon, Earthquake and Fire are unpredictable, you’ll never know when they will come.

            Fire Drill and Earthquake Drill is the solution for it. With the help of it, we will be ready when these calamities came. In some school, fire and earthquake drills are done to make the students and teachers prepared. Aside from teaching on what to do before, during and after these disasters, they are also teaching how to apply first aids. Drills is a must, as they can save thousand of lives when the disasters came.

            Always remember, “Knowledge is power, and is the key to safety”. But plain knowledge isn’t enough, we need willpower, we must have unity and work together to overcome these disasters. Even if you’re just a normal citizen, you can help, a journalist, campus journalist, activist, newscaster, no matter what or who you are, you can contribute, we can all overcome any calamities as long as there is unity.

“When you wake up in a storm, trees will all be standing tall, I’ll come to you you’ll never be alone”

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