130 Days of Destruction

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130 Days of Destruction

Topic: Earth2.0


            Billions of years ago, the universe originated in an explosion from a single point of nearly infinite energy density, and the universe keeps on expanding. That’s what the Big Bang Theory said.

            For hundreds of years, people ought to discover extraterrestial life, the secrets of universe and planets that can support life. And after the long search, NASA already found their target.

            Five hundred light years away from Earth, a small or rather be the smallest exoplanet that is likely to be a rocky planet and like Earth with its own atmosphere. A surface temperature suitable for water to exist in liquid form and size of 1.1 times the radius of Earth. The so-called Earth 2.0 was found

            Astronomers have confirmed the existence of nearly 1,000 planets beyond the Solar System, most of them are gaseous giant planets like Jupiter, with no solid surfaces, potentially toxic atmospheres, and that are too hot or too cold for liquid water and hence – life. But Kepler 186f or Earth 2.0 is an exception, like I said before, it is likely to be similar with Earth.

            “This is the first definitive Earth-sized planet found in the habitable zone around another star”, said Eliza Quintana of the SETI Institute at NASA Ames Research Centre in Moffett Field, California, pertaining to Kepler 186f.

            Well it is not yet confirmed, because the discovered planet’s orbit is similar to Mercury which is too hot for water. However, the kepler space telescope also captured where Kepler 186f is revolving, at a red dwarf star that is much cooler than our sun, so there’s still a possibility. It can only be confirmed after scientists have calculated its mass and density.

            Wether it is capable of supporting life or not, do we really need to do this? Come to think of it, we have already caused too much suffering on Earth, isn’t it too much to destroy another one?

            Instead of finding another world, we better just help each other to heal the world, we must take full responsibility of what we have done. Aren’t you feeling guilty when you feel the shivering of Earth’s crust out of terror? Or when she is crying out loud with a howling wind and flood of tears? Or are you just too naive to feel the rage of Earth when her openings are trying to explode? The Earth had gone hot-headed and sometimes too cold to us because of all the hardships we gave her. It’s time for us to cherish and renew it again.

            Even if there is a new planet found, it is not necessarry to transfer there, afterall, the planet can be completely “alien”. And I can’t imagine what people or “Earthlings” can do to Kepler 186f in 130 days or its complete revolution.

            The universe keeps on expanding, but please, don’t let people’s devastating activities expand and reach out beyond the Solar System.

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