When to Quit?

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When to Quit?

Written by: NIELUEDE WP

“Di naman ako importante na dito, quit na lang ako.”

“Wala naman akong ginagawa, quit na lang ako.”

“I’m too busy for this, it’s better for me to quit.”

“Ang dami ko ng ginawa para dito, time na para mag-quit ako.”

“Hindi ako gusto ng mga tao dito, quit na lang ako.”

“Hindi nila ako maintindihan, mag-quit na lang ako.”

Quitting for some people has been too easy nowadays. It is as effortless as liking a post and as simple as bashing someone you don’t actually know. With so many reasons to quit as mentioned above, it’s really not that hard to do so.

And sometimes, regrets are only felt in the end. So how can you be sure that it is already time for you to give up? Below are some of the things one should consider before calling it quits.

You’re no longer enjoying your stay

-          You had fun, alright, but that’s it. Had is a past tense. Along the process, you made great friends, learned new things, had felt accomplishment and was rewarded. But what happened? They say change is the only constant thing is this world, maybe that’s what happened to you.

You voice is not heard

-          You have lots of ideas but no one is recognizing it. You had made a great work but no one seems to notice it. It only means that your team doesn’t appreciate your existence, it’s high time for you to say goodbye.

You’re staying for the wrong reasons

-          It will have the same question as “para ‘san ka bumabangon?” You and only you can answer that question. Now if the only reason you’ve got depends on other people decision (eg. crush), then you’ve got it all wrong dear. You don’t have to stay just for the sake of it.

Your efforts are greater than the benefits

-          While the saying “It’s better to give than to receive” is a good practice, it still is a human nature to expect greater things when they do something. You’re just wasting your time. The Law of Diminishing Returns is applicable to you.

You’re not fit for the team

-          You dislike your co-members and are hearing negative words from the admin. Isn’t it enough already? Okay, so here’s more, you lack passion and you constantly feel the stress and negativity from your team. Wake up! It’s time for you move on.

When it is good to take risk sometimes, it is still not good to have it on daily basis. Don’t think of quitting as an option for losers. Sometimes, quitting is the only winning option.

Like creating a masterpiece, quitting is an art: you have to decide what to keep within the frame and what to keep out.” – Richie Norton

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