Chapter Nineteen

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As time wore on and morning turned into afternoon, Daddy had the six of us carry out multiple exercises that help us to maintain the same power level as our Fusing Buddies. That way if we were in a fight and needed to Fuse quickly, we'd be able to with very little problems.

Though Aki and I were getting along fine, it was frustrating working with her. The others had known their partners all their lives, whereas I had just met my cousin that day. I wasn't familiar with her in anyway; her moves, her attitude, her Ki. Nothing.

Just when it seemed that I would fall over from exhaustion, Daddy called for us all to stop. My hair, which had been golden, returned to it's natural colors. I blew a few stray strands out of my face.

"Good job today, you guys. I'm really proud of you," Daddy told us, grinning. His voice was light and friendly. But with his next set of words, he took on a more serious tone.

"But we really need to step it up tomorrow. I want you to be able to Fuse by lunch time at the latest."

"Noon? Is that even gonna be possible?" Bulla asked incredulously.

"If we set our minds to it, it'll be a piece of cake," Aki answered before Daddy could. Marron frowned.

"Yeah, but-"

"Aki's right,," Daddy interrupted. "I believe in all of you. Just believe in yourselves and you'll get it easily."

"Not to mention the world will end if we don't," I mumbled. Though I knew that he had heard me, Daddy ignored my comment.

"For now, get something to eat and head to bed. I need the six of you to be at full strength bright and early tomorrow morning."

At the mention of food, my stomach rumbled. It was echoed five times by my family and friends. No more arguments were made as we rushed to where Momma and Bulma had prepared dinner. It was a simple one; ham and cheese sandwiches with the choice of lettuce or tomato on them. But boy, did they taste good.

After supper, it didn't take much more then the promise of a bed to get the six of us to go to turn in. My feet dragged and my eyes drooped as I made my way towards the room I'd be sharing with the others. But, it seemed that as soon as we got there, away from adult supervision, the yearning for sleep evaporated.

"Goten, move over! Your foot is digging into my kidney!" Bulla complained, pushing at my brother, who, in returned, laughed sheepishly and scooted over as much as the bed would permit. 

When we arrived in the room, I was surprised to see that there were only three beds. We'd have to share. Right away, Trunks and I paired up, claiming the bed on the right side of the room. Bulla and Goten had chosen the one across from Trunks and I, leaving Marron and Aki with the one across from the door. 

The room itself wasn't very large, only big enough for the three beds and a chair in the corner in between Marron and Aki's and Goten and Bulla's beds. The walls were an off cream color, nearly the same color as the shaggy carpet that lined the room. I had noticed when we first came in that the room was devoid of any decorations. The furniture were the only things in the room. 

While Bulla continued to complain to my brother about what body part was digging into where, I let my mind wander back to the events of today. It had started off so well... The Martial Arts Tournament, Daddy coming home, winning against Goten and then Trunks winning against Videl's dad... But in a matter of a few hours, it had went south quickly. Spopovitch and Yamu beating up Videl and taking my energy... Vegeta's evil transformation... His and Gohan's death... The death of my home... All of this over the course of one day. It made me afraid of what was in store for us in the upcoming days.

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