Chapter 30: Same Mistakes

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Oh wow. I finally made it to chapter 30!! It makes me feel......I don't even have words. >>owurowuerwurliujlsjdf<< there. THAT'S how I express myself haha

Thanks for all your wonderful comments guys!! And for VOTING!! I.Love.You.All.

*clears throat

* Okay so before I go all creeper-status (it's happened before, trust me) I'm going to start writing now....

Please comment, vote, and ENJOY!!!! :))




Liam's POV

I let out a small sob and clutched my eyes tightly. All I really wanted at the moment was Niall. I wanted him to be here with me, his small frame curled up against my body. I wanted to stroke his hair, kiss the back of his neck, murmur loving words in his ear. I wanted to feel the familiar curve, the special dip in the small of his back that always had him mewing like a kitten. I wanted Niall.

I rubbed at my eyes and felt myself become sleepy. Letting out a suddenly tired yawn, I buried my face into the sheets and allowed my body to slowly sink into darkness. Yet another feeling began to rise up within me. A feeling of adrenaline and anxiousness.

It felt like something bad was going to happen soon...

 End of Recap

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Niall's POV

Lips + Lips + ATTACHED = 30 seconds

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