9: Not the proper way

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November, 2019.


"Your wedding is going to be in one month Mira" Marmie tells me.

"Okay" is the only thing I said. Marmie is always more like my in law. She has fully assumed that position since my marriage to Zain. And I still feel as if she is holding unto it.

Everyone loves Aman. But Marmie is always a closed book where he is concerned.

I haven't heard her say one good thing about him. And even when others say it, she will only smile a little and say "don't make her head burst from pride for Allah's sake!" she would always say.

I told myself I don't care. But it still bothers me.

I had thought my mom will accept Aman as everyone did and she would be happy I am finally happy like everyone else.

"Mira, I wanted to say something to you first" Marmie grows serious.

I nod for her to continue.

"You are marrying a person you brought home yourself. So I am not being ominous when I say this. No matter what happens, you can't ever complain to anyone in the family. Tell Momsie. She will tell me" she advised.

Somehow, I really don't know how to take her words.

Is she trying to be motherly?

Or is she trying to predict the future?

"I won't have cause to complain in Sha Allah"

Marmie nods. "There are times in marriage when one needs a second opinion. But it is always good to keep things to yourself and pray. Mira, you dissolve under pressure. And no matter what you currently think of Aman, marriage to him will not be a bed of roses. I want you to keep it in mind that you need to be strong for whatever comes your way. Trust in Allah and pray Mira. Please complain only to Allah." Marmie suddenly have tears in her eyes.

I don't understand all this gloom honestly.

"Aww Marmie please don't cry. I won't ever complain to anyone. Please don't worry" I urge her.

The conversation puts a blanket of gloom all over me.

But I soon put it aside when the Ali drama began to play in our Gaddo Mansion.

I heard that Zain is coming to see pops this evening. And Baba Garba, even Anti Maimoon and Ali are already in the house pleading with pops to speak to Zain.

What a sad story.

She didn't even last half a year!

Everybody is curious to know what Ali did to incite Zain's ire! No matter how flammable a person's character, he would need a torch!

Gaskiya I am surprised too. He already knows she isn't Jas. So why did he divorce her now?

It was getting dark when I received another gift from Aman.

A diamond necklace!

It means Aman is back! He travelled to Poland last week and he has been so busy we only talk in the morning before he leaves for his commitments and at night after he is done with them.

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