35: Youngest daughter

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Zain's POV

I am really surprised to see Pappy in my house here in New York.

I have a bad feeling about his arrival. Especially because I see he is with my two little brothers, Eman and Kashim.

They greet me both and I exchanged greetings with pappy.

He looks like he is in a bad mood and as usual, I feel so restless at the sight.

Knowing how Pappy is, I know that whatever brings him will not bode well for me.

But I can't find a voice to tell him to leave.

Pappy wastes no time in bringing out the reason of his visit. He shows me some papers and say to me "sign them Zain. I have decided that in your present condition, you don't need the hassle of corporate life. Let your brothers help you with everything" he nods gravely. "Let your family help you with your work until you are good enough to take back responsibility" he urges me as if I were a small child.

I swallowed hard, feeling the small pressure push he is projecting towards me with his serious eyes. The man comes here prepared to strip me off my good earnings.

"I don't make decisions anymore Pappy. I am not in any condition to make decisions! I can't sign them" but it comes out as pleading and I hate myself at that time so much my hands began to shake.

"I know you trust both your brothers Zain. You know they will not do anything to wrong you. So take their word and not mine. This is what is best for everyone!" He urges me.

"What is in the file" I try to distract him from putting more pressure on me.

He smiles. "It's a contract that would merge your company with the Gaddo company Zain. That way, we will all finally be one big family. The days of your independence are over don't you think?" He says it as if it makes all the reason in the world.

"Merge my company with...ahhh!" I hold my head with my  had as it began to pound as if there is a nail being driven into it.

"Just do it!" Papy snaps angrily. "Stop being so stubborn!" He shouts, intimidating me with his overbearing attitude, knowing I am helpless to cave.

"Eman..." I helplessly turn to my little brother. I can't face Kashim yet. My ruthless little brother whom I used to admire so much for following in my footsteps.

"Bros, they are going to take away your company if you don't protect it. Why can't you sign over the shares to me and Kashim so if you get well, you can just have them back?" He reasons.

How can they be so stupid...!

I began to breath hard because everything is becoming too much.

"Please just leave! I don't want you here!" My voice sounds pathetic to my own ears.

"Yaya, we will never do anything to hurt you. Please just help yourself. We can't afford to lose your company too! We will be all round broke! And neither me nor Eman can finish our school anymore!" Kashim pleads with me.

The headache is coming in strong, my eyes hurt, my heart is palpating g with pulsing beats...

Stupid stupid...

Stupid Pappy...

Stupid kashim...

Stupid Eman...

"Get out! All of you!" I shout, desperately. If Pappy stays one more minute, he might force me into signing the damn papers and all my hard work will be gone in a flash!

"We are not going anywhere until you sign these papers!" Pappy is glaring at me, trying hard, I can sense, to intimidate me further.

I am shaking with a desperate edge. I don't know for how long I can take this abuse...

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