48: Bedeviling solution 2

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Mira's POV

I guess the first week was to be expected since we kinda craved being together for a long time now.

But now, the first week is over. And Zain says he is going somewhere for a bit. I am surprised he is telling me. But I am pleased that he took the time to tell me as well as bother about me being all alone for once in a week. But even that feels like he needed to breathe and that was why he was going somewhere.

At the time, my mind was telling me to hope he would try to engage me in his life now that he is no longer handicapped by unreasonable fear or whatever it is that had plagued him in those dark hours. The not telling me where he was going punched a hole through that one.

The rational side of me remembers the real Zain too much to believe it. Somehow, he would find a way to soil this. I just know it.

I reflected that even before this episode, he had begun to surprise me. But things were on his terms then. Right now, it's not. I chose to be here and he was vulnerable for too long. Right now is the right time for him to start to get back some of that control he loves so much. His ego will hate me for the only reason that he had to depend on me all these while in what has got to be the most vulnerable phase of his entire life!.

Yet, I know as much as I do that I have to breathe my next breath that he simply can't help it. He would detest that weakness and he would soon lash out with the force of his inner turmoil.

I just don't know for sure what he is thinking. Slowly, he is slipping back to that closed book I so fear and dislike. The man who was a closed book did as he pleased thinking he knows what is best for everyone. And when he doesn't, he would as well choose not to care.

Zain was like that.

Yet, he is also the most caring, attentive man alive. He makes me feel as if being married is a blessing indeed. The cherishing part coupled with the attentive care is the bomb in any relationship. Yet, I keep asking if it's possible for things to continue as they are. Is it wise to hope? Definitely not.

This is what people call the honeymoon phase. It's as simple as that.

Yet one week has felt like a lifetime. I have known sides of him I never thought I could. He let me in. He chose to let me inside the sensitive part of him. Shouldn't that mean something?

It all comes down to one thing.

What would Zain King describe love to be? What would he demand from it? Would it allign with my own version?

I hate that I am working myself up for what feels like nothing. It didn't happen yet. The strong possibility didn't make it imminent. Fearing won't change anything...

Yet the warning bells are still there when I heard his car park at the compound. I sighed to myself. I haven't done much today. I have been sick with worry as usual. I should have prayed, it's better than this waste of time, I berated myself.

When he came into the house, I took my time taking him in.

Everything seems to have changed overnight.

It's like the Zain I have grown so comfortable with has been swapped with his twin or something.

His clothes were the same, he wears the same skin. Heck, he looks exactly like he did. Yet....

Yet those clothes now carry the weight of comfortable confidence.

That face, wears an appealing mask of mysteriousness that somehow makes every small expression seem endless. Every quirk of his lips limitless possibilities. The narrowing of his eyes, conscious or otherwise, seems like a deliberate veil to hide other layers of emotion. Those irises of his that sharpen and stays alert and clear through almost anything seems as if they are always cooking up something...

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