13: So not savvy

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Momsie's POV

"I thought we were going to Abuja! Why are you trying to put me on another plane?!" I complained.

Umar has a very big smile on his face. Huzaifah did too. So my eyes narrow at them both.

"What is so good about me leaving?" I honestly feel hurt they want to dump me in another planet! It feels that way.

Baba Murtala smiles widely. "You are going after Mira! If she is fine, we will come and pick you up next week in sha Allah" he explained.

My mouth drops open in shock. I grin happily. "Thank you so much!" I gushed.

And that is how I found myself in Lagos looking for Zain's house!

I arrived in the evening of the same day Mira arrived.

I can't wait to see her smile of relief!

Mira's POV

I don't think Zain knows exactly what to do with my crying face.

At first, he exercised patience. Then he began to look impatient. In the end, he couldn't take it anymore.

"What is so sad about going to Lagos?" He snaps.

I began crying because I want to annoy him. I am spooked out about the way he is watching me closely today.

Maybe I have managed to take him off guard. He did accept my greeting through narrowed eyes. He would be a fool to believe it anyway.

It worked like magic!. He looked away at first. And the moment he snapped at me, he knew he needed to make himself scarce!

The plane has a private cabin so he quickly escaped into it.

Sometimes later, I fell asleep too.

When we arrived in Lagos, he kicked my legs to startle me awake.

I glare at him feeling annoyed. But he isn't even looking my way so he doesn't even know I did.

Once we are on our way to his house, he pretended as if I don't exist. No doubt to be able to suffer my presence in relative peace.

This uncaring attitude isn't new to me. I am used to it.

What I didn't expect is the changes his house has contained.

I honestly hate it here. The planes, the big house, this life...

It's all coming back like clockwork.

Everywhere I looked, I see changes in this over exaggerated structure. Zain loves to go with modernization. He likes enjoying whatever technology can offer.

I also notice the maids and the manservants wear uniform now. I believe he even numbered them!

I also notice security at the gate even though the ten odd muscled men all wore mufties.

Blazer is the one who picked us up from the airport.

I wait for him to finish speaking with his chief of staff and then he walks over to me.

He didn't speak or bother with welcomes. He leads the way inside the house and over his shoulder, he says to me.

".I closed off your room when you left. Don't be alarmed though. I opened up a connecting door between our rooms so I don't have to go around whenever I wish to speak with you. Is it okay?" He asks me.

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