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after taehyung and jungkook looked around the apartment they both decided that they should unpack and pick a room. the brunette just picked the bedroom that was closest to him, when he entered he was in awe at the view from his room. you could see the eiffel tower from the bed, he could not wait to see it at night time. 

the apartment was beautiful, he must admit. there was no lying about that, he was scared to touch something and feared he would break everything. after taking pictures of the view and sending it to jimin he continued packing. 

"hey taehyung" he heard jungkook call out to him, he hummed in reply. turning around when he heard jungkook push the door open. 

"the place we were meant to have the meeting got shut down, are you okay if they come here? there is a meeting room in this building that we have been offered to use?" jungkook asked, taehyung was surprised the male was even asking him but he slowly nodded. 

after jungkook left about to call someone, taehyung finally finished packing. letting out a tired sigh when his back met the soft mattress. he still has not told his parents about him going away, the more people that know could bite him in the ass. 

so he decided to keep it private. he let them know he was going to come and visit in two months, once he can get leave from work. the brunette pushed himself off the bed, walking down the hallway and into the lounge to see jungkook sitting on the couch. 

"do I need to dress up?" taehyung asked, watching as jungkook looked up at him and shook his head. 

"no dont worry about that, they wont even ask about who you are. it is none of their business anyways. so dont worry" jungkook smiled, looking at his watch as he sighed. 


taehyung felt a little anxious as many eyes were on him, he was sitting next to brianna who was sitting next to jungkook. the raven was looking through a file that was handed to him. scanning the content that was given to him. 

"we have lots of different things we will like to try, maybe we could add something that stands out and is not so bland and original" jungkook nodded along with bogum who was explaining his vision. 

taehyung observed the room, and jungkook. he did find it interesting the way jungkook talked to others, as if he was the same as them. not as if he was worth more just cause of his money. 

"I have a lot of time tomorrow so we can run through the ideas then and see if they work for the magazine?" jungkook questioned, leaning back in the chair as bogum nodded and started writing things down. 

"we will do a mini interview for the magazine, just so your fans get a little extra. the questions will range from love life to family, but you can beat around the bush for that one. we will use it for clickbait" bogum said looking up at jungkook who chuckled and nodded. 

the raven turned to look at taehyung who's eyes were already on him. 

"you okay" he mouthed, smiling a little when the brunette nodded and soon turned away. 


the meeting took forever, it drained taehyung. he already felt really tired but was excited to find out that he would get to do some exploring of paris. he followed jungkook into many stores, observing how polite he was to customers and staff. never flaunting his money even once. 

"do you want to grab something to eat?" taehyung was asked by jungkook who had stopped walking, waiting for a reply from the smaller male. 

"sure, wont you get noticed though?" the brunette asked, looking at jungkook who smiled and placed his hand in his pocket to pull sunglasses out. 

"that is why I wear sunglasses and a hat. also when I dont have body guards around it attracts less attention" taehyung nodded, following the raven into a cafe that had a beautiful view of the sea. 

the place looked gorgeous, lots of flowers and white shiny walls. it was elegant, as soon as they both sat down taehyung's eyes casted towards the menu. his eye widened when he looked at the price. when the waiter came over and jungkook started ordering his eyes scanned for the cheapest thing on the menu. 

even that ended up still being expensive. they should of gone to a cheaper restaurant, not everyone has a lot of money to just spend so much money on one meal. 

"taehyung?" jungkook called out, eyeing the brunette who looked up fast from the menu. 

"u-um can I get just chips please" when that came out of taehyung's mouth jungkook already knew what was happening. 

"could we also get a chicken burger, steak with mash and some garlic bread please" jungkook said afterwards, handing the waiter the menu's. 

"amazing, any drinks?" 

after ordering their drinks and food the table was silent, they both said nothing as they just watched the ocean. by the time their drinks and food arrived taehyung suddenly felt so hungry, wanting to devour everything. 

"help yourself, I decided we should just order a bunch of things and share. also dont worry about paying, I will" jungkook said, ignoring taehyung's glance his way. 

"I cant let you pay-"

"yeah you can, and you will now dig in" jungkook chuckled, chucking a chip at taehyung before they both started to dig in.

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