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two days had past since the event and taehyung was in haze about it all. a lot of the time he found himself spacing out, thinking about the afterparty. it was fun, it was freeing and it was nice to see some celebrities that he never saw smile, smile. taehyung remembers the feeling of jungkook's hands on his waist as the moved to the beat of the music. he remembers both of them laughing and smiling as their noses brushed against each others. 

taehyung remembers the feeling of when their eyes met and they both stared at each other, none of them making a move. it was if time froze and the music became quite and it was just them two in the room. the brunette shook his head when he remembered his eyes going towards jungkook's lip and watching as the raven did the same. 

nothing happened afterwards as they were both cut off by the music switching and peoples movements changing. 

'why cant I stop thinking about it' taehyung groaned, hands threading through his hair. 

jungkook had been out all day due to an interview and meetings, he left a note for taehyung on the kitchen bench that said he did not have the heart to wake taehyung up so he wanted the male to sleep in. he was starting to get a little worried as the raven was not back yet and it was getting dark. 

when he heard his phone ring he quickly grabbed his phone, smiling when he saw jimin's name pop through the screen. as soon as he answered it he was met with a smiling jimin who looked to be walking to work. 

"wah, it is so weird to see that it is day for you and night for me" taehyung laughed, showing jimin the night sky. when he heard jimin laugh he quickly turned the phone back to him. 

"how is the holiday so far" jimin asked

"honestly jungkook has not done much relaxing, I still would not say that it is harder then someone who works 9-5 but I would also not say that famous people dont work hard. some of them dont but some do and are genuine" taehyung explained, letting out a little yawn. 

"I dont know, I just feel like there different life styles as have their own struggles it just pisses me off when I hear rich people complain how how hard their life is, its like there are families out there who struggle to put food on the table and pay rent" 

"my own parents for example, their house is falling apart" 

"have you gotten to know more about jungkook and his struggles?" jimin asked, reaching the cafe doors as he unlocks it and walks in. 

"no, he seems to be a bit overwhelmed and with the article that I am writing about him, I dont want to stress him out" 

jimin could already see the drastic change in taehyung, the way he thought about jungkook changed. 

when taehyung heard a door shut he quickly sat up. "oh jimin I think jungkook got back, I will call you later" the brunette said smiling when jimin smiled and said bye. taehyung quickly chucked his phone on his bed and walked out his room, looking down the dark hallway made him gulp a little. 

as he was about to reach jungkook's room he stopped when someone walked in, dressed in black with a bat and a bag in his hands. the bag looked like it was filled with the raven's belongings. taehyung gasped, catching the intruders attention who soon started to rush towards him. the brunette's eyes widened as soon as the bat was coming towards him, he quickly kicked the male in the nuts, pushing him towards the lounge as the bag of goods were on the floor. 

taehyung cursed when they both fell onto the glass coffee table, causing it to smash. 

"who are you!" taehyung yelled, soon letting out a painful cry when a vase was smashed against his head. causing him to fall to the side and the intruder to get on top of him. he ignored the blood dripping from his head and yanked the intruders hair back, getting on top of the male and screaming for help. 

hoping that either the neighbours or staff will hear him. taehyung, cried out and screamed as he tried to keep the male on the ground. trying to ignore his pounding headache and tears that were streaming down his face, worried that no one was going to come. 

when he heard voices out side the door and knocking he screamed, telling them to hurry up and help him. he felt scared, he felt he was getting weaker. as soon as the door flew open and he turned to see security rushing towards him, he felt relieved as soon as he was taken off the male and placed on the couch. 

"call the ambulance" one security person said as the intruder got pulled to stand up and taken outside. taehyung felt dizzy, and weak. he was not sure where he was bleeding from. 

"stay with us mr kim, try to keep those eyes open. we have paramedics on the way" 

"someone get me a first aid kit" the person next to him said, trying not to be loud. 

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