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jungkook had taken his and taehyung's bags to the brunette's room while the male talked to his mum. when he stepped into the room he smiled, there was a double bed, a bedside table and a tv on the wall. it looked like a decent room, a few photo's on the wall as well. 

the raven placed the bags down in the corner of the room, smiling at the fluffy duvet cover that was over the bed. jungkook soon let out a little yawn and started to place his things in the spare draw that euni showed him. 

the famous male already felt so tired after the drive, he just wanted to have a shower and get some sleep. when he plopped himself onto the bed he let out a content sigh, chuckling when his thoughts went back to when taehyung's father got him. 

he watched as taehyung leaped into his fathers arm, telling him how much he missed them. it was an adorable sight to see. when he met eyes with the brunette's father, he watched the male gasp and point towards him. 

"honey, jungkook is in our lounge!" the father yelled out to his wife, ignoring taehyung who was trying to explain as to why jungkook was there. 

after explaining what he did to taehyung's mother to his father, they talked for hours. mr kim took him to the back of the house and showed him his venom collection, and video game collection. he got stuck talking on the couch with mr kim for hours. 

he loved every minute of it though, it was nice having normal conversations. sometimes he felt like all the people he was talking to were robots that only cared about money. the conversations he was having with taehyung's parents felt so genuine that sometimes he felt his throat sting.

they had just finished eating when jungkook carried the bags into the room, taehyung was in the shower while he sorted their things out. he had his eyes shut for a second before he heard someone with small feet race in giggling. 

"hi hyun!" jungkook gasped, sitting up from the bed when hyun walked over to him. lifting up a train toy and smiled when the raven gasped. 

"that is a cool train!" 

jungkook cooed when hyun made grabby hands towards him, he did not have to think twice before picking him up and placing him on the bed next to him. hyun was already in his night clothes, pj masks all over the top and pants. 

after playing with the train toy with hyun for a little, when he rested his head on the pillow hyun rested his head on jungkook's arm after letting out a few yawns. 

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