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"last meal of the day and then we close" taehyung said as he entered the back room, looking at jimin who was on his break talking to yoongi. 

"sounds good, is jungkook doing it?" 

"yeah, he volunteered" taehyung replied, grabbing a drink from the kitchen before sitting down with them. 

"I wish we all worked here so we all get to hang out more" taehyung heard yoongi say. 

"are you going to paris with jungkook?" jimin asked

"yeah, we leave in two days and will be gone for 2 weeks" yoongi replied, looking at taehyung who was playing with his water. 

jimin also noticed the sad look on taehyung's face and shot a look at yoongi to changed the subject. 

"how are your parents? was the trip good?" yoongi asked the brunette who suddenly looked up and smiled. 

"yeah! they are good. it was a good trip, jungkook got lots of rest as well and was feed well." 

yoongi chuckled and nodded, looking at his phone to see he was getting a call. he quickly stood up and walked out the room, leaving jimin and taehyung alone. his heart felt like it was pounding against his chest as every minute went by. 

"you dont want him to go do you?" jimin whispered, catching the brunette's attention who slowly shook his head. 

"tell him that tae, I know he has to go but atleast he knows that when he gets back he has someone waiting for him. he should know that your interested in him" taehyung knew jimin was right, but it was not as easy as people think it is. not everyone can do long distance and jungkook is in front of everyones eyes. he hates attention and being in the spot light, if he dates jungkook he will be put right in front of it. 

"I really like him chim" taehyung whispered, thinking back to all the memories they had. 

"tell him" jimin whispered back. 

"there are still things I have not told him. like me taking pictures of him and getting money off it" the brunette said, looking at jimin who shook his head. 

"if you tell him that it was to provide for you family he would understand, he trusts you tae"

"that is the thing though. he trusts me, he told me about how much it affected him getting his privacy invaded, I invaded it" he explained, growing frustrated with himself for doing what he did. 

"I dont know jungkook as well as you do but I know if you tell him why and be open with him about it, he will not get mad" jimin whispered, he hated seeing taehyung so conflicted. he understood why. dating someone famous is a lot different to dating someone who is not. 

"all done!" jungkook yelled from the back room, coming into the staff room to see jimin and taehyung talking. 

"did you close the cafe?" jimin asked, smiling when jungkook nodded. 

"since it was my last day, I thought... why not?" jungkook chuckled, grabbing his bag from the locker to go get changed. both jimin and taehyung left the staffroom after grabbing their bags and headed towards the front. 

"maybe leave it for the two weeks he is gone, if you feel alone or sad without him you know what to do from there" jimin whispered, not wanting to put pressure on taehyung. 

"I like that idea" the brunette smiled, looking back towards the back of the room to see jungkook and yoongi walking out. 

"I placed my uniform on jin's desk" the raven said, arm wrapped around yoongi's shoulder as they left the cafe. when taehyung heard jimin saying bye to jungkook instead of waiting there he just walked towards the car, waiting in the drivers seat for jungkook to come.

as time went by he finally saw jungkook jogging towards the car, he started the car when the raven got inside and put his seat belt on. 

jungkook did find it strange that taehyung just left to go sit in the car, it was even more strange that the whole car ride towards the apartment was quiet and awkward. the raven wanted to say something, trying to create a conversation but taehyung did not seem in the mood. 

when they got to the apartment and stepped foot inside, taehyung went to do the laundry when jungkook packed his bags. the laundry room was in a different room for the tenants to use. when the raven packed his bags he grabbed taehyung's keys a shut the door. 

he sent taehyung a text that he was done and will wait in the car. he was not sure as to why the mood was so different, it was not how jungkook wanted to end the last day of their little experiment. 

"where do you live?" taehyung asked, his voice low as he watched jungkook type it into the gps and soon they were on their way. jungkook could not help but to look to his side to see taehyung focused on driving. 

he did not want to go, but he had to. he did not want to leave things on bad terms, he started to wonder if he did something wrong. did he say something to offend him? or hurt him? that was the last thing he wanted.

jungkook got taehyung to drop him off to his apartment, he lived in a house awhile back but it had a few issues so the raven was currently looking at a new house to buy. he has a shared apartment with yoongi and namjoon. they all have keys to it just in case they need somewhere to go and are far from their own houses. 

when taehyung parked the car and turned it off the car was silent. jungkook did not know what to do, he could just leave and not say anything but that would be rude. 

"thanks for this experience taehyung, I really enjoyed it" the raven whispered, looking at the brunette to see him staring at the steering wheel and nod. that was it, he did not say anything afterwards. 

jungkook sighed and got out the car, he shut the door after grabbing his bag and walked into the building, upset and pissed off. he did not notice the crying male he just left in the car, tears streaming down taehyung's face as he felt his heart clench watching jungkook walk away.

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