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"jungkook you are on in ten minutes" brianna said from the outside of the door. 

"okay" jungkook replied back, smiling down at taehyung who was buttoning up his shirt. the brunette had no idea why the raven wanted him to be the one to dress him. maybe it was part of the whole experience?. 

"do you ever feel nervous to do live interviews like this?" taehyung whispered after buttoning the last button. 

"always, I have just become a master at hiding the things that scare me" the raven replied back, looking down towards taehyung's fingers that were still clutching the bottom of his shirt. 

"what scares you taehyung?" jungkook asked, looking towards taehyung's eyes who immediately tightened his grip on the males shirt. 

"people. rich people. people with p-power" taehyung whispered, the room fell silent and soon enough the door was opened. 

"jungkook your on in 30 seconds" brianna said, looking up from her ipad to see both taehyung and jungkook jump away from each other. 

the brunette watched as jungkook left the room fast, not saying or looking at him before he left. as the door shut behind him, taehyung placed his hand over his chest. he closed his eyes and let out deep breaths. 

he did not realise he was holding his breath after what he said, was he meant to be so straight forward? maybe. did he want to hurt jungkook's feelings? not even a little. by the time taehyung stepped out the room, the room was a little dark, the only light was in the corner of the room. which was where jungkook was having his interview. 

taehyung quietly sat next to brianna who gave him a soft smile before handing him some water. as soon as the brunette took it, he sat down. 

"I really appreciate you being here jungkook, I know you and your team must be so busy" amanda smiled looking at jungkook who slightly bowed in his seat. 

"not at all" jungkook chuckled, grabbing his cup of coffee and taking a sip. 

"how has your trip been so far? I heard a friend of yours got hurt in a robbery at your apartment. that must of been scary? were you there when it happened?" she asked

"no I was not with him, he was home alone. I was in a meeting when I heard something had happened" the raven replied

"that must of been terrifying, luckily you were not there or something bad could of happened" she said, looking at jungkook who shook his head. 

"that does not bother me, I should of been there. I kick myself everyday knowing my friend was hurt cause of me. I left him unprotected, he fought back hard" 

"we will come back to this story but tell me what else you have been up to?" 

"working on a new album, photoshoots and interviews. it was nice to go spend some time with my friend and we ate at restaurants and went sight seeing" 

taehyung's mind went a little blurry afterwards. he was surprised to hear that jungkook felt that way, the had not spoken much on the incident, taehyung slept in his room a little bit but eventually went back to his own. 

he was cut from his thoughts when he heard the interviewer ask a personal question. 

"do you hear much from you parents? after what they said about you in that article? did you have worries it could destroy your career?" taehyung watched as jungkook's calm face turned stone cold. 

'what article?' taehyung thought

"it was devastating to see the article. I tried so hard to have a relationship with my parents but as time went on it was always about money for them, never about how I am doing. It is not fair, and it hurts. I was not scared that it would ruin my career cause a lot of my fans understand that I tried, and I am only doing what is best for me"

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