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jungkook was sat at the hospital, on one of the beds. "im fine, I want to get to taehyung now" he groaned, pushing off the nurses hands as he tried to shuffle off the bed. 

"mr jeon, you have to finish your check up. I promise to tell you when taehyung wakes up" the nurse said, helping jungkook get back into bed... much to the boys disapproval. 

"let me in!" a loud voice was heard from outside the door, a nurse went to the door and tried to shoo the women away when jungkook caught a glimpse of who it is. 

"let her in, she's family" jungkook said, smiling when he was pulled into the arms of mrs kim who sobbed. 

"I am so glad your okay hunny, I want you to rest" she whispered, pecking the side of his head before pulling away. 

"Im okay, j-just I feel like I keep failing to protect taehyung" jungkook whispered, clearing his throat as side eyed the nurses. mrs kim caught on and looked towards both nurses. 

"I would like some privacy with my son please" she stated, watching as the nurses left the room soon after. 

"it is no where near your fault, it is not your job to protect taehyung ever second of everyday" mrs kim whispered, patting jungkook's hair. the raven shook his head and let out a shaky sigh. 

"he has been hurt by so many people, he was nearly killed today. someone tried to hurt him all because of money" the taller said, voice filled with frustration. 

mrs kim could see where jungkook was coming from, she grabbed his hands and squeezed them tight. "you have protected taehyung so much more than what anyone else has, if it werent for you he could be dead right now" she whispered, wiping her own tears that were sliding from his cheek. 

"could you stay with him? until he wakes up? I dont want him to wake up alone" jungkook whispered, looking at mrs kim who nodded. 

"I am going to order some stuff online and replace taehyung's things. I will make the spare room his space, as long as you, mr kim and hyun are okay sharing. did he get to sleep okay?" jungkook asked

"yeah, him and his father fell asleep on the bed next to each other. I left him a text and he replied before telling me to update him, so he will stay with hyun until we can take taehyung home" she smiled sadly. 

"I will let you online shop, text me if you need anything" she pecked his forehead before leaving the room. jungkook softly sighed as he shuffled back on the bed and took out his phone, he started to go online shopping. 

he got clothes, furniture to do up the bedroom to make it taehyung's, self care products, computer, laptop, tv and desk. jungkook wanted to make taehyung feel at home. his finger hovered over the cart button, his mind wondered off onto something else. 

he quickly excited the app and went to his call log, he scrolled through his contacts before pressing a name that he was looking for. as the buzzes continued he kept looking at his watch to see the time. 

when he heard a deep voice from the other end of the phone. 

"ah andy! sorry for the late call, I need something to be built in my house and perhaps completed over the next few days. since you built the house I trust you with it and am willing to pay double" jungkook offered, biting nervously on his bottom lip. 

the raven smiled brightly when andy was all for it! "your amazing, I will send you everything you will need and could you come over around 10am tomorrow I will make sure they buzz you in" jungkook voiced back, soon saying bye as he quickly went back to his apps to pay for all the stuff. 

an hour went by and jungkook was getting restless, he sighed before sliding off the bed. he grabbed his coat and keys before heading out the door and heading straight towards taehyung's room. when he opened the door he was met with mrs kim who was sitting on the bed holding taehyung's hand. 

her shoulders shaking and head in her hands. when jungkook heard a sob leave her lips he walked into the room and placed a hand on her shoulder. she sniffled and quickly looked at the presence behind her, when she saw jungkook she choked a sob. the raven pulled her into his arms, wanting to do his best to comfort her.

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