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taehyung was sat in a office room, anxiously tapping his foot on the ground. he was currently meeting with a lawyer that was recommended by jungkook. he had no idea where to start with the money, he recently got the cheque for the lotto winnings and knew he should see a lawyer about what to do from here. 

"mr kim! sorry I am late, my wife is quite sick and I had to rush the kids to school" taehyung stood up and shook the lawyers hand. 

"no need to apologise" taehyung smiled, sitting back in his seat as he watched brooklyn sit in his seat. 

"jungkook called me before to let me know briefly about what this is about, he said that you gave him permission to do so as you have never experienced anything like this before" brooklyn stated, grabbing his folder from the draw as taehyung nodded. 

"that is perfectly okay. now I need to state now that everything we talk about and all your personal information and assets will stay confidential. you may speak freely" he stated, leaning back in his chair. 

"I have been thinking a lot about what I want to do with the money, the only set in stone thing I know of so far is that I want to buy my parents a house" taehyung stated, looking at brooklyn who nodded. 

"do you have any bank accounts?" he asked, typing away on his computer as taehyung nodded. 

"okay, have you got a house in mind?" taehyung shook his head

"a budget in mind?" another shake of the head. 

brooklyn nodded and continued to type away at his computer. 

"okay what we can do is create a more private a security high bank account for you, which is recommended as a lot of wealthy people do so. it makes it a lot easier to transfer big sums of money without it seeming off" 

"you dont have to consult with me about what you spend your money on, if you want to have me as your lawyer if you decide to create a business that is more then welcome"

"jungkook has disclosed your relationship with him and he has given me permission to share this as you already know that i am his lawyer and support him with his company and building costs" brooklyn stated. 


when taehyung sat in his car he felt awfully confused and a little paranoid. having all this money was actually pretty scary to taehyung, what happens if someone finds out he won it. people have the weirdest way's of finding stuff out. the brunette noticed it was getting dark and did not want to be stuck in traffic all day, he quickly turned his car on and drove back to his apartment. 

once he arrived to his apartment floor, he quickly grabbed the keys from his bag and looked up only to see his apartment door slightly open. he frowned and walked closer to push the door open, only to see his whole apartment trashed. 

his mattress had been teared into pieces, glass cups smashed everywhere. his laptop and camera broken into pieces. he felt his eye sight get blurry as his feet travelled towards the bathroom to see everything he owned destroyed. 

he immediately knew this was about the cheque, and someone knew he won it and someone knew where he lived. luckily he left the cheque in jungkook's safe at his place. he quickly went his his room to see everything on his desk smashed. 

he let out a sob as he shook his head, he quickly grabbed his phone and dialled the police's number. 

"h-hi I would like to r-report a b-break in" taehyung stuttered, wiping the constant tears rolling down his face.


"is there anyone you could think of who would of shared that information?" taehyung shook his head at that question, still pretty shaken up. 

"before we leave this apartment is there anything in here you would like to grab before we leave?" taehyung looked around the apartment to see everything destroyed, so he shook his head. he walked along with the officers to outside. 

"do you have somewhere to stay?" an officer questioned taehyung as they stepped outside, taehyung looked at all the police cars and the yellow tape that was everywhere. the brunette nodded, biting his bottom lip to hold back tears. 

"taehyung!" he heard a yell and then a car door slam shut, he looked up from the ground to see jungkook running towards him but was stopped by officers. 

"that is my boyfriend!" he yelled, trying to push past. 

"is that true?" the officer beside taehyung asked, when taehyung nodded he looked towards the officers and nodded his head. 

"let him through" he called out

jungkook rushed past the officers and as soon as he reached taehyung he pulled him towards his chest, wrapping his arms around his waist. he felt his heart break when he felt taehyung hold onto him tightly as soft sobs left his lips. 

"how did you find out about this? I was not aware we contacted a male?" the officer asked, eyeing jungkook from head to toe who was wearing a hat to try cover his identity. 

"you phoned taehyung's mother who currently lives with me, they have been having trouble putting hyun to sleep as he has been having nightmares. so she put the phone on speaker when I was helping her with hyun and when I overheard and rushed over sir" jungkook stated, confidently. 

the officer nodded and shook jungkook's hand before quickly leaving to turn to another officer. 

"everything is g-gone gguk. my c-computer, camera, c-clothes, bed. all of it w-was destroyed." taehyung sobbed, feeling in complete shock. 

"im sorry babe" jungkook whispered, he felt defeated. he wanted to protect taehyung from all evil people it was starting to seem impossible. 

"your staying with me from now on" taehyung nodded his head against jungkook's chest before pulling away and wiping his eyes. 

the chief officer walked back to the two before saying "you guys can go get some rest, we will be in touch taehyung. get some sleep" the officer softly smiled, patting taehyung's shoulder as the smaller nodded. 

"I left my phone charger in the car, let me go and grab it" taehyung sniffled, looking at jungkook and the officer who nodded and watched as the brunette walked towards the car. 

the officer watched as taehyung got closer to the car, he noticed something on the dashboard and a red wire hanging from the door. 

"TAEHYUNG!" the officer yelled, rushing towards taehyung but as soon as taehyung turned around a large explosion appeared and the brunette was thrown from the area. 

everyone ducked as they heard the explosion and felt heat spread through the air. officers were on the ground, trying to stop their ears from ringing. jungkook groaned as he looked up from the concrete to see smashed glass and officers on the ground. 

his eyes widened as he spotted taehyung's car in flames, he let out a broken yell as his eyes landed on taehyung who was laying on the floor not moving. he pushed everything in him to get up from the ground, ignoring the ringing in his ear as he ran towards taehyung. 

soon he felt the officers and chief beside him, checking for a pulse and dragging him away from the car. 

"call an ambulance!" the chief yelled, as he started doing compressions. the raven cried, his loud sobs were heard from everyone. he felt like his happiness was just ripped straight out of his life. 

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