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"you cant just say that in the middle of the movie, everyone heard you!" taehyung laughed, slapping the ravens arm who gasped. 

"they were going to kill him, I had to shout something!" 

"it was not like he would hear you" the brunette could not help but to laugh, his hand over his stomach as he tried ti calm himself down. "you obviously have not been to the movies with someone as cool as me" jungkook replied, stepping into the drivers seat. 

"so home we go?" the raven asked, putting the car in reverse. 

"home we go" taehyung smiled, winding down the window to feel the cold wind brush against his face. it was dark, and both males already felt tired. since both his parents had time off taehyung had a feeling they were both in the garage having a drink while talking. 

"what was your favourite part of experiencing my life?" the raven asked, keeping his attention towards the main road. 

taehyung had to think about that one, there were a lot of things he learnt. 

"I will be honest and say that my view on rich people has not fully changed but my view on you has, and I see your points and opinions" the brunette started. 

"my favourite thing was seeing into a part of your life, to see the things that brought a smile to your face and things that did not"

"coming to think of it, brianna has been raving about that interview article you wrote. it does not come out till next month and I have not even read it yet"

"are you looking forward to reading it?" taehyung asked, turning to look at the raven who nodded. 

"I really am" the raven whispered

"we are home!" taehyung called out as soon as they entered the house, only to quickly cringe as he realised hyun would be asleep.

"I am going to go wash up, my parents are probably in the garage if you want to go see them" taehyung smiled, soon grabbing his bag and headed towards the bedroom. the raven did not have to be told twice and stepped towards the back of the house. 

he spotted the garage with lights coming out the windows, he reached the door and opened it only to be met with loud laughter. as soon as he stepped inside he was met with taehyung's parents who were on the couch with a beer or wine in their hands as they laughed.

"oh jungkook! come in son. there is a beer in the fridge if you want one, help yourself" mr kim spoke, jungkook bowed and quickly grabbed a beer before sitting on the other couch in front of them. 

"how was the movie?" mrs kim asked, hand on her husbands leg as they paid close attention to jungkook who nodded. 

"it was good, taehyung and I had a lot of fun. we need to do it more often" 

"more often? are you two still planning to stay as friends after all this?" 

jungkook had thought a lot about this, so to answer someone's question on this was hard. 

"I would like too, I am not sure about taehyung though" the raven replied, looking up at the two adults who nodded. 

"son I am going to be honest with you" mr kim said, placing his beer on the coffee table and clearing his throat. 

"I can see the way taehyung looks at you, there is no doubt in my mind that he has feelings for you. I saw a similar look in his eye once and months went by and the excitement, happiness, feeling safe look in his eye vanished" 

"It broke our hearts to see him so hurt after what jackson did"

"I still remember the day we found out jackson was abusing him, he would come home with red marks on his face and try cover them. I remember I tried to h-hug him and he flinched, he was so broken" mr kim explained, chocking up a bit at the memory. 

"when we demanded him to tell us he broke down, he fell to his knee's and cried. he told us he had never felt so alone, and scared. he was in so much pain, mentally, physically and emotionally" 

"I had to sleep in the same room with him for months, he was scared to sleep alone. worried the jackson would come after him" mrs kim explained. 

jungkook felt his heart sink at every sentence they were saying. 

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