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jimin realised that jungkook and taehyung had more in common than he originally thought. by the time they switched shifts it felt like the day had gone by so quickly. after saying bye to jimin who was on closing shift, they both walked towards the car. 

"home?" jungkook asked, trying to cover himself from yawning. 

"soon, I have to grab some things from the grocery store. I will go in and then we can go home" taehyung replied, about to head towards the drivers seat when jungkook grabbed his arm. 

"let me drive" jungkook said, serious tone laced in his voice. 

"your not insured for my car?" taehyung replied, looking at the raven who smiled. 

"dont worry, I wont crash" jungkook said, taking the keys from the brunette's hands and getting into the driving seat

"okay?" taehyung whispered feeling a little hesitant, walking to the other side of the car. 

taehyung had been in a car with jungkook while the male was driving but for some reason it made him nervous, someone driving his car. it was not necessarily jungkook he was scared of it was more other cars. he knows the famous singer is a great driver but you can never trust anyone else on the road but yourself. 

"just follow the gps and we will get there, just a few more turns" jungkook nodded at what taehyung had said and eyed the gps before turning. when the raven parked, they both got out the car and headed straight towards the grocery store. 

"this wig is surprisingly comfortable" the raven said as they stepped into the store. 

"it suits you" taehyung smiled, grabbing a cart as they headed towards the fruit and vegetables. 

"could we grab some popcorn? maybe we could watch a movie?" jungkook asked, taehyung nodded and pointed towards a area that was meant to have the popcorn. the brunette watched as the male walked off, heading straight towards the goods area. 

taehyung started to put different vegetables into the cart when he felt someone tap his shoulder, he turned around only to see a face he would rather not. 

"hi taehyung" 

"jackson" taehyung nodded, grasping onto his cart before pushing it towards the direction of jungkook. 

"wait, your not even going to say hi? how are you?" the brunette turned to the taller male and chuckled. 

"you really think out of all the people in the world that you deserve that? I am not going to pretend that I care about you, just like you did with me besides the pretend part" with the last roll of the eyes he stepped away to leave when his arm was grabbed. 

"w-what the hell jackson, let g-go of me" it took him so long to get over what happened between him and jackson, he started to think they both had changed and were different people. to taehyung now it looks like jackson has not changed at all. 

"dont you think you owe me? the least you could do is keep a conversation with me" 

"for fucks s-sake I did, I stayed with you not matter all the hits and comments shot my way. you saved my life once, once. but after that you made it a living hell. the best thing I did was break up with y-you. you hurt me jackson and you dont even care. now let me go." taehyung said lowly, feeling his throat burn. 

"you f-" jackson started, grip getting tighter when he was pushed off the brunette. 

"he told you to let him go, he asked twice" the brunette felt relieved and a bit embarrassed when he saw jungkook standing in front of him. 

"who do you think you a-" 

"my name is jungkook, and I would appreciate it if you leave my boyfriend alone or we will have problems" taehyung has never heard jungkook's voice go so cold before. and he could not help the butterflies swirling in his stomach when he heard the words "my boyfriend" come from the raven's lips.

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