ending story facts

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Hey guys, it's been awhile. The last time I've posted something for this story was two years ago 😆 geez, to me it feels like I've just pressed that 'completed' button. I was editing the beginning chapters and I was thinking about all the things that I changed up in the plot. It was way different than what was given, lol, so here are a few.


1. Sam and Noah were going to die — at the last moment I added that Abigail's mom died 😩 regardless of the switch in people, tho, Noah was still going to die.

2. Mason and Sam weren't mates — at the beginning I didn't plan to make them mates, but I couldn't go past on how "Susan's" real identity was going to be revealed. I'm happy how it turned it tho, I didn't they'll have that much chemistry in mind. I have a lot planned for their story. 😁

3. Abigail's Dad Death (?) — I don't know, I thought about it but was like nah, too many people dying. 🤣

4. Xavier's Brother — In the beginning, I had the idea that he would have a brother ( he would have been the wolf Abby saw in the beginning of the book) and he would have a reckless personality 😭 I had a graphic made for him and everything but I trashed the idea because I felt like I had too many characters and couldn't keep track

5. A typical werewolf story — The idea for this story progressed more than I attended to, it was just going to be a regular rogue story with a few twists but then as I started to create "Fur vs Skin" and then I changed it up 🤗


That's all I have for now, I swear that I had more but they're lodged somewhere at the back of my mind 😆 someone also brought to my attention about Elijah's story way back but now it's probing my attention 😩

I haven't really planned out his story like that, but I have a few ideas now so instead of y'all waiting on his story, I'll do a side story just like I have with Mason and Samantha's. I don't know when I'll start but how does that sound?


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