Chapter 55: Not Fighting The Gym Leader

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*Third Person POV*

"Come, battle for me Vileplume!"

The lady threw her pokeball high into the sky, letting it fall back down. A large flowery Pokemon launched out, letting out a cry.



At this point, a crowd had joined around Y/n and the offending gym trainer. The other women of the gym were looking at Y/n and Grady with obvious glares, and Grady began to notice that he and Y/n were covered in dust that the girls must've considered disgusting.

"Vileplume, use Sleep Powder!"

The flowery Pokemon shot a green mist into the air around it, which began to flow toward Togetic. Togetic's eyes began to droop slightly, as the sleep inducing fumes wafted towards him.

"Togetic, clear it out with Air slash!"

Togetic gave a flap of his wings and two blades shot through the air, tearing through the particles and striking Vileplume.

"Now, follow it up with Metronome!"

Togetic did his dance in the air, spinning in a circle and shaking his arms enthusiastically. This turned into a ball of fire, recognizable as Flame Burst.

"Vileplume! No!"

The flames struck Vileplume head on, surrounding her in a ball of flame.

When the flames dissipated, there were scorch marks on the Vileplume's flower. She had received deep burns, but she was still standing.

"That's it!" The gym trainer called, "Hit it with Giga Drain!"

Green balls of energy began to seep from Togetic and towards Vileplume, who began to perk up healthily.

"Togetic, break it's concentration!"

Togetic flapped his wings, firing a Air Slash at the Vileplume. The Vileplume broke the Giga Drain to avoid the attack, and Togetic fired a second one off. The Vileplume carefully jumped out of the way again, and as it arched through the air, Togetic smirked.

"Now, one more time!"

One last Air Slash cut through the dust of the battle field, slashing straight into Vileplume's face and letting it fall back to the ground.

The lady called her Pokemon back to the ball, and Togetic floated back down to Y/n's side. The lady's face was contorted in rage and surprise, watching Y/n and his flying-type friend with disdain.

"H-how...HOW DARE YOU!"

"Oh I dare," Y/n said smugly, "Now, why don't you call your gym leader so I can have an actual challenge."

"Ooh, now you're just cold, man!"

Grady and Y/n exchanged a fist bump, as the women of the Celadon City Gym teemed with rage.

Outside of the gym, Leaf was also teeming with anger. Not only had the Celadon Game Corner been a waste of time, even the police had cleared out, but Erika somehow found more ways to insult her on their way back.

At this point, Erika was pointing out her brown hair, which contrasted with the jet black hair that every other woman of the family had. She had often found this a blot compared to her female family members, something that separated her from the beauty the rest of them were known for.

So now she was stomping alongside her sister back to the gym, another symbol that she was somehow better. 

They stepped up to the front door, watching it slide open quietly. There was a loud commotion from inside, as if everyone inside was screaming at each other. Erika seemed only slightly fazed by this, a momentary drop in her perfect face.

As they stepped inside, the place was a mosh pit. All the women of the gym were surrounding the center, screaming at something.

"What is going on in here?!" Erika said in a commanding but sweet tone.

All at once the fighting stopped. All the women leapt back from the mosh pit, carefully smoothing out their clothes in an attempt to look innocent.

"Madam Erika!" The girl who had fought Y/n, who had to swim through the crowd, said, "T-these men! They came in and defiled your good name!"

At this, Leaf perked up. Who would have the gall to make fun of her sister?

The women parted at Erika's wave, and Leaf could see the two men in the center. They were dust-covered and dirty, hair sticking up at odd angles, and a few new bruises growing in weird shades.

But Leaf couldn't be happier to see them.


Leaf ran forwards happily, arms outstretched. At an instance, Y/n's attention snapped towards her and his face widened in a smile. Leaf tackled him in a massive hug, wrapping her arms around him tightly and him vice versa.

"Oh Arceus, it's good to see you Leaf."

"You too Y/n," She said gratefully, "It's been a painful week."

"So..." Erika said with disgust obvious in her tone, "This is that Y/n boy?"

Leaf glared at her, and Y/n gave Leaf a questioning tone.

"Of course he is," Erika laughed, "He's disgusting! Look at his clothes! He hasn't washed in a week! And Arceus above, he smells like a Miltank stye! If I didn't know any better, I'd say you literally pulled him from the trash!"

"Don't you DARE insult Y/n!" Leaf shouted, "I'll-!"

"He's perfect."

Erika's comment caused Leaf to stop in surprise.


"Yes, he's perfect," Erika laughed, "A disgusting, poor vagabond! Of course my stupid little sister would choose him, you're just. Like. Him."

"Don't you dare insult leaf you stupid Miltank!"

Y/n's shout shook the building to it's core, scaring all the inhabitants to stone. Togetic almost felt out of the air in surprise, and Grady jumped in fear.

"If you say one more thing about Leaf, I'll never let you forget it!" Y/n shouted, "Leaf is more of a lady then you'll ever be! She's smart, pretty, and more polite! If anyone here should be ashamed in their decisions, it's you! You self-absorbed, narcissistic, condecending WITCH!"

There was silence, as Y/n's outburst was processed by everyone there. Then Erika's eye twitched, her arm spasmed slightly, and her foot shot out t the right slightly.

"W-why you little..." Erika growled, "I'LL KILL YOU!"

Erika through a pokeball out, and it popped open with a massive Venusaur. It let out a shaking roar, as Togetic got ready to fight.

"Prepare to die you little shit!"

"Bring it!"

"That won't be necessary."

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