Chapter 41: S.S. Anne Tournament

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man!

I'm sorry it's taking me so long to release new chapters. School has been hell on me and my work schedule hasn't been much better.

Thank you all for your patience.

See ya in another life Brotha!




*Third Person POV*

The matches were announced a few minutes after the sign up was closed, a bright screen glowing with a bracket of all their names.

The matches were announced a few minutes after the sign up was closed, a bright screen glowing with a bracket of all their names

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"Alright Trainers!" The announcer shouted, "Let's get ready for the first match! Bug Catcher Anthony!"

The aforementioned trainer stepped into the battle ground, which was painted onto the deck like a basketball court. He was carrying a large net, and was wearing a traditional bug catchers outfit.

"Versus Ace Trainer Jade!"

Ace Trainer jade had dark purple hair tied into a bun, a red jacket and purple shorts. She was tossing a pokeball up and down, clearly unimpressed with her competition. She gave a scoff and said, "Let's get a move on."

"Sounds like someone's impatient for a battle," The announcer called, "Let's keep it clean trainers! Battle!"

Anthony was the first, throwing his pokeball into the air. The ball struck the deck of the boat and popped open, the red glow revealing a Beedrill. This sent Y/n and Leaf into small panic attacks, as the familiar pokemon brought back memories of their first outing together.

Ace Trainer Jade only scoffed, tossing out her own pokeball. A Pikachu popped out of the ball, standing on the deck of the ship. His cheeks pulsed with electric potential, sparks flying from his little hands.

"Ooh this is gonna be a good one ladies and gents!" The announcer cheered, "Who'll make the first move? I'm itching to find out!"

Before he could even finish his sentence, Jade's Pikachu launched forward without a command. The electric mouse Pokemon didn't even need a word from his trainer, as he struck the Beedrill with a Thunderbolt.

The Beedrill survived the attack, but was barely hovering.

"Beedrill,  use-"

Bug Catcher Anthony's call was cut off, as the Pikachu careened towards the bug-type at incredible speeds. The Pikachu was almost invisible, before it slammed into the bug-type and sent it dropping into the deck of the cruise ship.

"And the winner is Ace Trainer Jade!"

"What?" Y/n said, snapping out of the trace the battle had put on him, "That was so fast."

"That's what these One-Pokemon tournaments are known for," Grady explained, "You get one shot, and if your opponent starts off with an advantage you'll have a hard time clawing your way back up."

"One-Pokemon? I only get one shot?" Y/n asked, "When was I supposed to learn this?"

"These are veteran tournament trainers, Y/n," Leaf said, "Many of them probably have teams set up for each tournament they go to. Of course they're not going to explain every rule to you."

"And how do you know so much about this, Leaf? Have you done this before?"

"N-no," Leaf stammered, "B-but my sister is big into the tournament scene. Used to compete every time she could."

"You have a sister? Is she hot?" Grady repeatedly suspiciously, "No, no, no, wrong question. What else do we not know about you?"

"And what do I not know about either of you?" Leaf spat back in anger, "We're all in the same boat, so Back. Off."

"The next battle will be Grass Trainer Leaf versus Fire Breather Steve," The announcer called, "Trainers, ready your Pokemon!"

"I'll talk to you two later," Leaf growled, "I don't wanna see either of you right now."

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