Chapter 40: S.S. Anne

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Hey everybody, it's your friendly neighborhood Author Man!

I have finally rad the Pokemon Adventures Manga, and I love it. So from this point forward, Game/Anime Bill will be fully replaced with Mange/Hillbilly Bill.

Thank you.

See you in another life Brotha!




*Third Person POV*

The next day, Y/n was freed from the cold halls of the hospital. His arm was out of the cast and good as new and Togetic was flying alongside him as they walked out of the building.

Only for him to fall back to the ground, as Leaf tackle-hugged him out of nowhere. He let out a grunt as he fell to the ground, as Grady laughed from behind him.

"Leaf..." Y/n groaned, "Please... I can't keep doing this..."

"S-sorry," Leaf apologized, pushing herself up, "My bad."

Once Y/n and Leaf had stood back up, as Togetic landed on his backpack. His small wings flapped happily as he placed his stubby arms on Y/n's head.

"So," Y/n said, dusting off his shorts, "What have you guys been doing?"

"Well while Leaf was waiting for you to get out of the hospital..."


"...I went into Diglett's Tunnel nearby here," Grady pointed to the entrance of a tunnel nearby, "Didn't find any interesting fossils, but I did find this guy."

Grady threw his pokeball into the air, and the trio watched as a small brown Pokemon popped out.

"A Diglett?" Leaf said, "He's cute."

"Diglett: The Mole Pokemon," Y/n's pokedex droned, "It burrows through the ground at a shallow depth. It leaves raised earth in its wake, making it easy to spot."

"Thank you Pokedex," Y/n said closing it shut, "Well, what do we do now? I know there's a gym in town, but..."

Meowth hopped up from the ground onto his shoulder, and Nidorino collapsed to the ground lazily beside him. Togetic's quiet snoring was emanating from Y/n's bag, as he leaned into Y/n's hood.

"...We're not in the best shape."

Grady gave a chuckle, "We knew you'd need some training, so a friend of ours came up with a solution."

"A friend of ours?" Y/n repeated, looking at the suspicious looks on his friend's faces, "Who are you talking about?"

"Howdy there!"

Y/n turned around, coming face to face with a familiar pink face. He jumped back slightly, only for the Clefable to give a chuckle.

"Oh donchu warry 'bout Clefable," A man with bushy brown hair said, "He's been itch'n to get out an' exercise."

"Wait a second... Bill?"

"Pleasure to properly meetcha, Y/n," Bill said, extending a hand, "As a human, I mean."

"Same to you," Y/n said, shaking his hand, "But how are you gonna help train us?"

"I may not be as well off as Mr.E," Bill laughed, "But I do have my connections, ya hear? My friend is a capt'n of the mighty S.S. Anne, and they're holding a massive tournament for local Pokemon trainers."

"That's cool!" Y/n cheered, "Let's go!"

"Well slow down there pardner," Bill said, reaching into his pocket, "You'll be needing these to get onto the boat."

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