Chapter 18: Leaf's Adventure Through Mt.Moon Part 2

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*Third Person POV*

Leaf and Bulbasaur crept through the tunnels of Mt.Moon, scanning the tunnel for the source of the loud noise that permeated the air.

The noise in question was a mix of a baby's cries and a ghostly scream, reverberating against the walls and roof. It seemed to follow them, chasing them as they chased it.

Leaf stopped, realizing that she was close to the source of the noise. She pressed herself against the wall, peaking her head out and looking at the source of the noise.

Only to freeze in shock, as she saw no real source for the noise. It stopped, the only remaining traces of it were the echoes that bounced off the walls towards the exit of the cave. 

Leaf stepped around the corner, followed closely by Bulbasaur at her feet. She stopped when her foot hit something, and looked down.

A small brown Pokémon laid there, not moving. There were tears running down its skull-covered face, as just laid there unresponsive.

"It's hurt!" Leaf said, pulling a potion out of her bag, "What happened to it? It looks like it was attacked by someone."

Leaf leaned down, picking up the small Pokémon and holding close to her as she applied the potion to its wounds. After ensuring that the Pokémon's wounds were properly treated, she leaned back and held it in her arms as it slowly began to stir.

"Cu?" The Pokémon said groggily, looking around, "Cubone..."

The Pokémon locked eyes with Leaf, letting out a small shout before backing as far away from her as possible while still being caught in her arms. It huddling into its own arms and began to sob, tiny tears streaming down its face.

"No, no," Leaf said sweetly, "Don't cry. It's okay, you're safe with me."

Leaf used her shirt to wipe the Pokémon's tears away, holding it tightly. The Pokémon looked up at her, no visible emotions as it scanned her face.

Until it launched up and wrapped its stubby arms around her neck, trying to hold itself up in a makeshift hug.


"Woah!" Leaf said, holding up the small Pokémon, "What happened to you little guy? Where's your mama?"

The Cubone dropped back down to the ground, its tears slowly beginning to fall again. It slowly opened its mouth, letting out a horrifying cry that matched perfectly with the ghastly noise from earlier.

"No no no no!" Leaf exclaim, picking the Cubone up and bouncing it in her arms, "It's okay, it's okay."

The Cubone didn't stop its cries, whining into Leaf and Bulbasaur's ears. Bulbasaur covered his ears with two vines, shaking in pain as the screeches broke through his blockade. His eyes began to roll into the back of his head, as he fell over, his tongue rolling out of his mouth.

"Please, stop crying," Leaf urged, calmly whispering to the crying Pokemon, "It's okay, I'll take care of you."

The Cubone stopped crying, and Leaf took the moment to wipe his tears from his cheeks. He looked up towards Leaf, searching deep into her kind eyes. A smile suddenly shot onto his face, as he jumped onto Leaf's neck in a hug.

"Cubone Cubone!" He cried cheerily.

"Hahaha," Leaf laughed, placing her hands under his butt to hold him up, "Come on Bulbasaur, let's get out of here and catch up with the guys."

Leaf managed to find her way out of the cave, immediately finding the Pokecenter to heal Bulbasaur and her newest team member. As she left the Pokecenter earlier that day, an earthquake shook the ground beneath her.

"What the heck?" She asked no one, looking around, "What was that?"

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