Chapter 58: Mama Khan

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*Y/n POV*

The crying slowly got better as I walked around with the young Kangaskhan, trying to locate it's mother. I wanted to send Togetic out to get a higher point of view, but the rules of the Safari zone kept me from using my Pokemon for the obvious advantage.

And so I walked, carefully checking any trees and caves and hidden crooks where a large Pokemon might be able to hide. It should have been easy to find such a large Pokemon, but I have a feeling that 'Mama Khan' is moving around looking for us too.

Eventually, I came across a large open field, where the trees cleared away. It was really a beautiful sight, expect for the slight problem.

A three hundred pound Tauros that had been grazing in the field that snapped to attention as soon as I stepped into its line of sight.

And it was pissed.

It immediately stomped its hoof against the ground angrily, shooting up a bunch of dirt. A hot, angry breath shot out of its nostrils, flaring and shooting out snot.

"Alright buddy," I told the baby Kangaskhan, "Can you get behind me? This is gonna be rough."

The baby quickly climbed up my arm and hid on my back, tucked underneath my coat. I straightened my cap and turned my attention back on the Tauros.

It charged forwards, shooting straight towards me with horns ready to attack. Those look really sharp.

I ducked as it got close, rolling off to the side. I just barely managed to avoid the closest horn, which impaled into the dirt where I stood a second earlier. The Tauros' momentum tore it through the dirt, leaving behind a massive gash.

The Tauros unstuck itself from the dirt, and turned back on me again. It charged again, and I realized that this would keep going until I left the field. It just wanted it's territory back, and I had intruded.

Looking across the field from where I stood, I noticed a tree with two trunks sprouting very close to each other. Far enough for me to slip through, but not enough for a whole Tauros to follow.

"Hey Buddy," I said, "Make sure to hold on tight, alright?"


The Tauros let out a mighty growl, and I readied myself for its strike. He charged at me again, but this time I stood my ground. I waited for it to get close, then I reached out and grabbed its horns, twisting to the side and throwing off its balance. It fell to the ground, but launched back up and turned towards me in one swift move. It was enough of a head start though, and I was halfway across the field by the time the Tauros began to charge again. Thank Arceus for my quick sprint.

I reached the split tree only a half a second before the Tauros did. I jumped through the split, before hearing the tree split as the Tauros' horns tore into the bark. I didn't stop, running until I was deep in the trees and there was no sign of a Tauros.

"Alright, man, time to come on out."

As the young Pokemon leapt out from my jacket, I heard another Pokemon cry in the distance. I immediately leapt to get ready to run, but the baby Pokemon had run off towards the cry.

"Wait, buddy!"

I ran after it, crashing through the brush. I tripped on a ranch and fell face first, rolling into the truck of a tall oak tree.

As I slowly regained my senses, I heard the baby Kangaskhan and another, deeper growl.

"K-khan! Khan!"


I peaked around the tree, seeing the baby, looking up at a much larger, happy Kangaskhan.

"Mission successful." I whispered to myself.

Suddenly, the mother Kangaskhan locked eyes with me, and immediately became aggressive, grabbing the baby and putting it in her pouch.

It let out a growl, only to stop as the baby let out a cry.

"Kangas! Kangaskhan!"

It suddenly leapt out and sped towards me, and the mother seemingly dropped her aggression.

The baby grabbed my hand and led me towards her, stopping and looking up at her. The mother and baby exchanged a few incomprehensible words. She turned towards me and took a step forwards, showing how much she really dwarfed me by.

"Um...hello," I squeaked, "I...I brought your kid back."

I don't think she understood me, and for a moment I thought I'd have to run again. But after a second, the mother grabbed me by the back of my jacket and lifted me up onto her back.

"Woah!" I said, holding tight to her neck, "This is awesome!"

The baby climbed into her pouch, and she began to stomp through the forest. I had to duck under a bunch of branches and avoid a few flying Pokemon, but for the most part the view was beautiful.

*Third Person POV*

Grady and Leaf waited at the exit for the Safari Zone, looking back and forth for any sign of Y/n. Leaf let out a sigh.

"I...I lost track of him."

"Yep," Grady agreed, "We did."

"Never mention this again?"


Suddenly the ground began to shake, and Leaf and Grady stumbled to stay standing. The brush was pushed aside by a large shadow, and a massive Pokemon revealed itself.

"KANGASKHAN!" The Pokemon shouted.

"Hey guys!" Y/n called, waving towards his friends, "Hold on a sec!"

Y/n slid down the Kangaskhan's back, landing on the ground. He turned and was greeted with the small Kangaskhan baby leaping into his arms, and the mother leaning down to nuzzle his face lightly.

"Thanks Mama Khan!" Y/n waved as they returned to the forest, "Bye!"

"Y/n," Leaf said, "Where have you been?"

"It's been a long day."

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