Chapter 17: Leaf's Journey Through Mt.Moon Part 1

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*Leaf POV*

"Oh great," I grumbled, "We're completely lost now..."

"Bulba..." Bulbasaur growled, pressing against my leg and trembling.

"Relax buddy," I assured him, "There's nothing here that could harm us."

To be honest, I was trying to assure myself as much as I was him. The three of us had gotten separated somehow, and I had no idea where either of the guys were. Y/n had disappeared before we even got to the mountain, and Grady disappeared as soon as we got in.

So now Bulbasaur and I were lost in the caves, without a map. Y/n had the only map between the three of us, and Grady said that he had memorized these caves from the mining expeditions he went on with his father.

Then those jerks abandoned me in the mountain. I'm going to have to talk to them about this.

A long talk. Especially with Y/n.

I mean... how are we gonna go on a date someday if he just keeps leaving me on my own?

I stopped in my tracks.

"Wait what?"

Bulbasaur looked up to me, and I could feel my face heating up.

"Arceus, what is wrong with me?" I said, slapping my face a little, "He probably doesn't even think about me like that. He's the most oblivious person in the world."

I looked down at my grass-type friend, who cocked his head slightly.



"We're hopelessly lost, aren't we?"


I let out a sigh, as I looked back and forth between the two caves in front of us. I was beginning to get worried that we would never find the way out, or that no one even knew we were here.

"No," I assured myself, "Y/n will definitely come looking for us! Until then, we have to keep going and find our way through!"

*Third Person POV*

Y/n held his map in his hands, turning it around, upside down, and even backwards as if it would help him read it. Togepi sat on his shoulder, and they scratched their chins in unison.

"Where the heck are we?"

*Leaf POV*

I flipped my coin into the air, catching it and placing it on my wrist before lifting my hand.

"Heads," I observed, "We're going right."

I pointed to the right tunnel, walking down the path.

Bulbasaur was following me along, his little legs speeding along to keep up.

Suddenly, a high-pitched noise cut through the air, stopping me in my tracks. Bulbasaur assumed a defensive position, as the noise got louder and louder. It sounded like either the cave was haunted by a crying ghost, or there was a lost child in here.

Maybe a crying ghost child.

"B-bulbasaur?" I said, my knees shaking, "W-what is that?"


"Come on," I said, steeling my nerves and guessing what Y/n would do, "Let's find out."

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