Chapter 3: Adventure Begins

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*Leaf POV*

"Bulbasaur, vine whip!"

Bulbasaur whipped the Rattata, sending it flying. It landed a few feet away, fainted.

"No!" The youngster yelled, "I lost!"

"Yeah! Good job Bulbasaur!" I cheered.

The youngster reluctantly handed over the money he owed, and ran off to a Pokémon center. I picked up Bulbasaur in my arms, lifting him into a hug.

"You did it Buddy!"

"Bulbasaur!" He cried.

I held him in my arms, as I continued walking. I'm on my way to Pewter City, going through Viridian.

As I was walking down the path, I heard something in the bushes. A horde of Rattata came out of nowhere. They seemed angry.

"Bulbasaur!" I called.

He jumped from my arms and landed in front of me, vine whipping a Rattata into a tree. He was attacked by a second one, as a third snuck up behind him.

"Bulbasaur, look out!"

He turned, but was unable to a attack as the Rattata hit him with a quick attack.

"Oh no! Bulbasaur!"

"B-Bulbasaur..." He said weakly.

All the Rattata began to surround him, creating a wall between me and him. They all began to attack, when I heard something else coming crashing through the forest.

"Watch out below!"


A boy with black hair came rolling out of the forest, a small egg-like Pokémon rolling with him. He rolled into four of the Rattata, the small egg Pokémon rolled into the last one. His hat landed not far from me, next to Bulbasaur.

As I watched him roll towards a tree and crash, I had one question.


{A few minutes prior}

*Y/n POV*

I tightened my laces and waved to Mom, as Togepi jumped into my backpack. I turned towards the path, still waving.

I held my head up high, as I took my first step on my adventure.

I wasn't paying much attention to my steps, and stepped on a Weedle, as it's sharp spike poked through my shoe and into my foot. I lifted my foot, grabbing and bouncing on one foot.

"Owowowowowowow!" I yelled, "My foot!"

As I was hopping, I tripped over a small hill, falling backwards. I flailed my arms to stop myself from falling, thought it ultimately failed.

"Ow! Urgh! Argh! GAAAGH!"


I rolled down the hill with Togepi, crashing into all kinds of things.

"Weedle! Caterpie! Branch! Pidgey!"

I smacked into all kinds of creatures and things, rolling down the massive slope.

"Bulbasaur, look out!" I heard someone yell.

"Watch out below!" I called in warning.


I crashed into a bunch of Rattata, and kept rolling. I sent them flying, and crashed into a large tree. Togepi landed in a bush next to me.

"Ohh... my head." I groaned, holding my forehead.

"Are you okay?"

I turned to the three identical people talking to me, as my vision slowly corrected itself.

I was speechless. She was beautiful.

"Uh, I'm... uh... thanks." I stuttered, taking her hand.

She helped me up, and Togepi stood up weakly, stumbling a little bit. She held my hat out, and I patted my head, seeing that it wasn't there.

"Thanks." I said, slipping it on.

"What was that about?" The girl asked.

"Oh I... uhh... tripped."

She giggled into her hand, and I dusted myself off. She stopped laughing, and then gasped.

"Oh no, Bulbasaur!"

She rushed over to the small green Pokémon, picking it up. It appeared to be injured, and cried weakly.


"He's injured!" She said.

"There's a Pokecenter in Viridian City," I said, "Let's take him there!"

"Let's go!"

I grabbed Togepi, and we ran down the path, towards Viridian City.


"Miss, your Bulbasaur is going to be fine," The nurse said, as she came out of the room, "He just needs some time to rest."

"Thank you so much." The girl said, "Can I go see him?"

The nurse opened the door, and we walked inside, where Bulbasaur was laying in bed, asleep.

"Thank Arceus he's okay," She said, "I don't know what I'd do if he were injured or hurt."

"I get that," I said, "I don't know what I would do either."

I looked to Togepi, who was sleeping in my backpack. After a few minutes, we left the Pokecenter.

"Thank you for coming with me," She said, "I just realized you've been with me all day, yet I never introduced myself. I'm Leaf. I'm out to travel the Kanto Region and beyond."

I held out my hand, "I'm Y/n. I'm the same way, but mostly I'm just here to find a good adventure. This is Togepi, he came from an egg."

She shook my hand, and we looked around.

"We should find somewhere to rest tonight," She said, "Hey, would you like to travel with me?"


"Yeah. Why not? We're both trainers looking for an adventure, let's travel together."

"You know what, why not? Let's do this!"


She jumped and hugged me, and I blushed bright red.

"Come on, we need to find somewhere to sleep tonight!" She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me along.

Seeking Adventure: A Male Reader x Pokemon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now