Chapter 26: Y/n Vs Christine Part 1

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*Y/n POV*

'What did I agree to?'

I held my hand lightly on Nidorino's side, rubbing his soft purple fur lightly. He was lightly purring into my touch, as he stood there ready for battle.

"Oh Arceus," I sighed, "Why'd you have to go and run off like that, Togepi?"

"Nido?" Nidorino grunted, pushing into my hand, "Rin-Rino!"

"You're right buddy," I agreed, despite having no understanding of what he was saying, "We can do this!"


"Alright trainers to position!" A new announcer's voice came over the microphone, "Let's get ready to battle!"

I saw Christine walking to the other end of the arena, blowing a kiss at me as she did. I felt my face heat up in embarrassment, as Nidorino nudged my side and growled.

"Trainers, send out your Pokemon!" The announcer shouted.

Nidorino ran out into the arena, kicking up dust as he slid towards the center of the field. He let out a roar as he did, scraping the ground with his paws.

"Hehehe," I heard Christine giggling, "Oh this gonna be too easy..."

She pulled out a pokeball and holds it at her side, swinging her arm and releasing the ball into the air. It soared through the air and landed on her side of the center line, glowing red as it let loose its contained pokemon.

"STARMIE!" The star-shaped pokemon cried, let loose on the field, "Mi-Mi!"

"Oh poop."

*Third Person POV*

"Trainers! Let the battle... BEGIN!"

Christine's orders came immediately, shouting moves across the field.

"Starmie, hit it with Swift!"


Stars appeared around the water-type pokemon, each one moving side to side lightly. Starmie jumped into the air and its back star spun, as the stars shot towards Nidorino.

"Nidorino, to the left!"

As one of the stars struck to the right of Nidorino, he followed his trainer's commands and jumped to the left. An explosion of smoke shot out from where it struck, as Nidorino looked up to see three more flying at him.

"Jump right!"

Nidorino dashed to the right this time, narrowly avoiding a star that slammed into the ground where he had stood.

"To the left now!"

Nidorino suddenly skidded to slow down, sprinting to the right to avoid the second star. This time the star grazed his fur, cutting some purple fur off and into the air.


Nidorino dropped all fours to the ground, lunging forward to avoid the third star that flew overhead and landed behind him. This one caught him in the explosion, sending his flying head over tail backwards.

Nidorino landed on his side, sliding to a stop on the dirty floor. He slowly began to push himself to a standing position, his muscles shaking as he did.

Leaf gasped in the stands, "Look out Nidorino!"

All eyes were drawn upwards, as a fourth, previously unseen star was speeding towards Nidorino. Nidorino's eyes widened in shock, as the star shot down and landed, exploding in a cloud of smoke. The smoke quickly spread outwards, blocking everyone's view of Nidorino and Y/n.

"Hm," Christine smirked, "Geez, that was almost too easy."

"Don't count us out yet!"

Y/n's voice carried through the smoke, reverberating around the arena. The smoke still hadn't cleared, though there was a very clear disturbance.

"Nidorino, use Horn Attack!"

Nidorino jumped through the smoke, his horn glowing white. He ducked his head and charged forward, striking Starmie in the jewel. He immediately turned around and stabbed it again, duck and running to avoid a counter attack.

"Now," Y/n said, the smoke clearing from the arena as Y/n skidded to a stop in front of him, "Let's get this battle ready for real."

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