Chapter 34: Escape Team Rocket

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*Third Person POV*

The door to the dark room blew outwards, forcing the surrounding Team Rocket members to jump back and fall to the ground. Y/n and Meowth leapt over the confused and dazed members and took off down the hall, sprinting towards wherever.

"Where are we going?!" Y/n finally asked, as Meowth jumped onto his shoulder, "They're getting back up?!"


Meowth jumped off his shoulder and leapt down the hall, tearing off ahead of Y/n. Y/n quickened his pace and charged forward, following Meowth as they turned  off into a hallway to the right.

Y/n and Meowth skidded to a stop and hid behind a half closed door, in a dark room. They remained completely silent, as the Team Rocket Grunts ran past the door and disappeared off into the distance. Y/n stuck his head out and checked both sides, and then jumped out and continued down the opposite direction.

"Good one, Meowth," Y/n complimented, "Now, let's find my friends."

Meowth leapt on to Y/n's shoulder as he snuck down the hall, peaking around corners and remaining silent as possible. Eventually they came across a solid steel door guarded by two Team Rocket Grunts, marked 'CAGES'.

Y/n and Meowth peaked out from behind the corner, as strange noises began to ring out from behind the door.

"HEY!....LET ME... YOU SON OF A..."

"That's Leaf..." Y/n whispered.

"Hey, she's just really mean, right?" One grunt asked.

"Don't worry about it," The other replied, "You're doing a great job, especially for your first day. She's probably just tired. It has nothing to do with you."

"Thanks man," The first, the new guy, said, "That means a lot."

"Hey!" A third Team Rocket Grunt came down the hall, "We have reports of an escapee and an escaped pokemon coming this way. You two search down that way!"

The three rocket grunts took off down opposite hallways, allowing Y/n and Meowht to come up to the door. Taking one last look to either side for anyone who could see them, Y/n threw open the door and stepped into the room.

*Y/n POV*

"Oh good, they're back!" Leaf's voice reverberated through the room, ""Listen here you Team Rocket Losers! When I get outta here you're gonna be in so much pain you'll wish you'd never been born! And I swear to Arceus that if you laid a finger on any of our Pokemon or Y/n, I'm going to hunt you to the ends of the Earth and make sure you pay with your-"

"Leaf," Grady interrupted, "Look who you're talking to."

Leaf finally looked up from her rant, and I say her eyes light up with happiness.

"Y/N!" She yelled, "Thank Arceus you're okay! Where's Togepi!?"

"I don't know," I replied, moving to unlock the bolts on the cage, "But they're after him. We gotta find him and fast!"

Once the door was open, Leaf came flying out. She wrapped her arms around me and tackled me to the ground, suffocating me in a hug.

"I thought you were hurt! Or worse!"

"Relax Leaf!" I said, landing with my back against the hard floor, "We gotta find the Pokemon!"

"Actually," Grady interrupted, "The rest of our teams, sans Togepi, are in this room."

I felt something nudge against my side, a familiar short hair rubbing against my skin. I looked slightly to my side and saw Nidorino standing there, a relieved smile on his face.

"Nidorino!" I said, launching up and wrapping my arms around his neck, "Oh, I'm so glad you're okay!"

Nidorino nuzzled against me, and I could see Leaf and Grady gathering up their Pokemon as well. As I stood to leave the room, Meowth jumped onto my shoulder and let out a low growl.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," I replied, "Let's hurry and leave, before anyone finds us."

"Y/n, what's with the Mewoth?" Grady asked.

"He held get me free and find you," I replied, "In return, I'm helping him escape. However it won't be long before those grunts return, so let's jet!"

We quickly left the room, our much larger group making it hard for us to sneak around corners. We quickly found our way into a large open room, presumably a front foyer.

"We're almost out!" Leaf called, as she pointed to the door.

"Wait!" I said, coming to a stop, "Where's Togepi?"

"That's what we'd like to know."

Shutters fell down over the door outside, blocking us from leaving. Jennifer and a strange man with blue hair stepped out into the open, with two grunts flanking their sides. The blue haired guy stepped forward, a black bird Pokemon landing on his shoulder.

"Greetings trainers," He said, "I am often labeled the scariest and toughest member of Team Rocket, but you can call me Admin Proton."

"What do you want with Togepi!?" I yelled, "Where have you taken him!?"

"In truth, we have done nothing to him," Proton shrugged, "He wasn't with your bag when we kidnapped you."

"Then where is he!?"

Proton sighed, "Clearly we're both just as confused as each other. Whatever, once we have eliminated you the search will be much faster."

Proton stuck out a white-gloved finger, directing the grunts.

"Grunts, eliminate the escapees!"

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