|2.14| The Aftermath

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"WHAT DO I NOT KNOW?" Grace said, trying to keep her anger at bay.

But before he could answer, a loud explosion distracted both of them. The basilisk had broken a pillar from it's tail. Harry appeared to be in front of it.

Harry was on his feet. The basilisk's head was falling, its body coiling around, hitting pillars as it twisted to face him. Grace could see the vast, bloody eye sockets, see the mouth stretching wide, wide enough to swallow Harry whole, lined with fangs long as the sword, thin, glittering, venomous —

It lunged blindly — Harry dodged and it hit the Chamber wall. It lunged again, and its forked tongue lashed Harry's side. He raised the sword in both his hands — The basilisk lunged again, and this time its aim was true — Harry threw his whole weight behind the sword and drove it to the hilt into the roof of the serpent's mouth — the basilisk keeled over sideways and fell, twitching, to the floor.

"Harry!" Grace yelled in desperation, as she thrashed in the bonds that were holding her.

Harry slid down the wall. He was gripping the basilisk's fang, and his hand seemed to be injured. All the colour drained from Grace's face.

"Let me go, please!" She screamed at Riddle as she thrashed in the bonds harder than ever. "Let me go!"

But he didn't seemed to be listening to her, his whole attention was on Harry.

Grace's screams stopped as she saw fawkes land next to Harry.

"Fawkes," said Harry thickly. "You were fantastic, Fawkes. . ."

She saw the bird lay its head on Harry's injured spot.

"You're dead, Harry Potter," said Riddle. "Dead. Even Dumbledore's bird knows it. Do you see what he's doing, Potter? He's crying. I'm going to sit here and watch you die, Harry Potter. Take your time. I'm in no hurry."

"So ends the famous Harry Potter," said Riddle. "Alone in the Chamber of Secrets, forsaken by his friends, defeated at last by the Dark Lord he so unwisely challenged. You'll be back with your dear mudblood mother soon, Harry... She bought you twelve years of borrowed time... but Lord Voldemort got you in the end, as you knew he must..."

And suddenly Grace saw Harry shake his head and look at fawkes. He didn't look like he was dying.

"Get away, bird," said Riddle's voice suddenly. "Get away from him — I said, get away —"

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