|3.8| The Marauder's Map

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"SO YOU ASKED PROFESSOR Lupin to teach you how to fight dementors?" Grace asked Harry as they were coming back from their quidditch practice, wet and  covered in mud.

"Yes." He nodded. "I figured I should be able to fight them next time if they attack me. We don't want another incident like last time, do we?"

"When will he start teaching then?"

"Next term." He answered. "He's a little ill now."

"You know what, I think I'm going to ask Professor Lupin if he can teach me too." said Grace suddenly. "If I see dementors coming for you in the next match, then I'll be able to keep them at bay."

"Sure, yeah." Harry agreed. "I think you should ask."

In the next defence against the dark arts class, Grace stayed back to talk to Professor Lupin. 

"You have any questions, Grace?" Professor Lupin asked seeing Grace in front of his deck. 

"Actually I wanted to ask you something." She said.

"Go on."

"I was wondering whether you could teach me too how to fight dementors." said Grace. "I heard you're going to teach Harry."

"Oh." Professor Lupin was frowning. "Well, if you want to, then yeah, I can teach you too."

"Really?" Grace said surprised. 

"Yes." He nodded. "But in the next term." 

What with the promise of anti-Dementor lessons from Lupin, Grace's mood took a definite upturn. Gryffindor were not out of the running after all, although they could not afford to lose another match. Wood became repossessed of his manic energy, and worked his team as hard as ever in the chilly haze of rain that persisted into December. Grace saw no hint of a Dementor within the grounds. Dumbledore's anger seemed to be keeping them at their stations at the entrances.

Two weeks before the end of the term, the sky lightened suddenly to a dazzling, opaline white and the muddy grounds were revealed one morning covered in glittering frost. Inside the castle, there was a buzz of Christmas in the air. Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher, had already decorated his classroom with shimmering lights that turned out to be real, fluttering fairies. The students were all happily discussing their plans for the holidays. Grace, Ron and Hermione had decided to remain at Hogwarts, mainly to keep Harry company.

To everyone's delight except Harry's and Grace's, there was to be another Hogsmeade trip on the very last weekend of the term.

"We can do all our Christmas shopping there!" said Hermione. "Mum and Dad would really love those Toothflossing Stringmints from Honeydukes!"

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