|5.20| Neville's parents

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GRACE ALREADY KNEW ABOUT her being more powerful than a normal wizard. But what did they meant that she will be playing an important role in the war? She had her guesses that she was the 'weapon', but what did they meant by 'bearing the responsibilities'? And about Harry being possessed? Grace knew that wasn't true. He wasn't possessed, Grace was sure of that. But what did they meant? Is that why Dumbledore hadn't talked to either of them in ages? and what other things about herself were being kept from herself?

Harry had went directly toward his bedroom the minute they returned back to the Grimmauld Place. And it didn't take genius to figure out what was he thinking. But Grace thought better of than to go behind him and try to make him see sense. He wasn't her responsibility, Grace reminded herself. She still wasn't sure how to behave around him after he had told her that he kissed Cho.

As dinner time arrived, Molly told Grace to call Harry down for dinner, as he was avoiding everyone. And Ginny insisted too.

Begrudgingly, Grace made her toward his bedroom and knocked on the door.

"Harry," said Grace from the doorframe. "Dinner's ready — and I know you're awake, so don't pull that 'I'm asleep' bullshit on me. You're not alone, and we're here for you, okay? till the end or whatever. . ." Grace trailed off the last part as she turned to go downstairs.

Everybody else spent the following morning putting up Christmas decorations. Grace could not remember Sirius ever being in such a good mood; he was actually singing carols, apparently delighted that he was to have company over Christmas. Grace could hear his voice echoing up through the floor in the cold and empty drawing room where she was sitting alone, watching the sky outside the windows growing whiter, threatening snow, giving her further sense of peace.

It was around six o'clock in the evening that the doorbell rang and her grandmother, Mrs. Black started screaming again. Hermione had arrived, and was confused as to why Harry wasn't downstairs. On the way up to Buckbeak's room (where Harry was presumably hiding), Grace explained what happened. Grace hammered on the door for a few seconds. 

"Open the door, Harry," said Grace. "Hermione's here. And if you're done acting like an edgy, misunderstood, misfit teenager, she'd like to talk to you."

Hermione sent her a sharp look. Grace shrugged.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked her, pulling open the door, as Buckbeak resumed his scratching at the straw-strewn floor for any fragments of rat he might have dropped. "I thought you were skiing with your mum and dad."

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