|5.1| 12 Grimmauld Place

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THEY REFUSED TO INDUCT Grace into the order. Dumbledore and her mother felt that the less she knew, the less danger she'd be in. Grace called bullshit. She was already in danger, no matter what. Voldemort wanted Grace's power, he wanted her on his side, and if he couldn't have her then he would try to kill her. And everyone knew that Voldemort was going to try every thing to recruit her in his ranks. The more Grace knew, the more she's be able to help.

Grace never thought a day would come when she'd be the one Voldemort was after; it had always been Harry who had danger all around him. But how wrong she was. After arriving at number twelve Grimmauld Place; the headquarters of the order of phoenix; Grace found out that it was the house where Sirius grew up. Grace was very thankful that she didn't grew up in this horrible house. 

Living with Sirius under the same roof was very different and awkward for her at first. Also that her adoptive parents lived along with them, made it super awkward sometimes. The first thing that Sirius did when they first arrived was thanking Molly and Arthur Weasley for taking care of his daughter when he wasn't there for her. 

But Grace didn't talk to Sirius openly until the fourth day of her arrival at the place. She was wandering around the house, trying to explore the dark and gloomy place, when she came across Sirius' room. His room was on the topmost landing with his name written on a nameplate. 

Grace pushed the door open and walked inside the empty room. The room was spacious and must once have been handsome. There was a large bed with a carved wooden headboard, a tall window obscured by long velvet curtains and a chandelier thickly coated in dust with candle scrubs still resting in its sockets, solid wax banging in frostlike drips. A fine film of dust covered the pictures on the walls and the bed's headboard; a spiders web stretched between the chandelier and the top of the large wooden wardrobe, and as Grace moved deeper into the room, she head a scurrying of disturbed mice.

The teenage Sirius had plastered the walls with so many posters and pictures that little of the wall's silvery-gray silk was visible. Grace could only assume that Sirius's parents had been unable to remove the Permanent Sticking Charm that kept them on the wall because she was sure they would not have appreciated their eldest son's taste in decoration. Sirius seemed to have long gone out of his way to annoy his parents. There were several large Gryffindor banners, faded scarlet and gold just to underline his difference from all the rest of the Slytherin family. There were many pictures of Muggle motorcycles, and also (Grace had to admire Sirius's nerve) several posters of bikini-clad Muggle girls. Grace could tell that they were Muggles because they remained quite stationary within their pictures, faded smiles and glazed eyes frozen on the paper. This was in contrast to the only two Wizarding photograph on the walls; the first one was a picture a two Hogswart's students, a girl and a boy, standing very close to each other, smiling at the camera and the second one was a picture of four Hogwarts students standing arm in arm, laughing at the camera.

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