|4.13| The First Task

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THE NEXT DAY GRACE and Harry told Hermione about Sirius's warning about Karkaroff and Dragons. Alarmed as she was by Sirius's warnings about Karkaroff, Hermione still thought that the dragons were the more pressing problem.

"Let's just try and keep you alive until Tuesday evening," she said desperately, "and then we can worry about Karkaroff."

So three of them had spent all the free time in the library trying to find about anything useful against a dragon. But so far they found nothing. At the end they had to leave the Library as Viktor Krum had again came and slouched on the seat far at the end of the table and behind him came his fan club who wouldn't let them concentrate. Grace was quite suspicious of what Krum did in the library. He was in the library awfully a lot. 

The first class they had that day was Herbology, in which Harry didn't show up. He appeared after the class was over and told them about his talk with Moddy. He would use his Firebolt and for which he would need to learn a summoning spell.

And so they practiced. They didn't have lunch, but headed for a free classroom, where Harry tried with all his might to make various objects fly across the room toward him. He was still having problems. The books and quills kept losing heart halfway across the room and dropping like stones to the floor.

"Concentrate, Harry, concentrate. . . ."

"What d'you think I'm trying to do?" said Harry angrily. "A great big dragon keeps popping up in my head for some reason. . . . Okay, try again. . . ."

Hermione went for Arithmancy while Grace and Harry skipped Divination to practice. For an hour they kept on practicing the same spell over and over again. After having some dinner, they then returned to the empty classroom with Hermione, using the Invisibility Cloak to avoid the teachers. They kept practicing until past midnight. They would have stayed longer, but Peeves turned up and, pretending to think that Harry wanted things thrown at him, started chucking chairs across the room. Grace, Harry and Hermione left in a hurry before the noise attracted Filch, and went back to the Gryffindor common room, which was now mercifully empty.  

At two o'clock in the morning, Harry stood near the fireplace, surrounded by heaps of objects: books, quills, several upturned chairs, an old set of Gobstones, and Neville's toad, Trevor. Only in the last hour had Harry really got the hang of the Summoning Charm.

"That's better, Harry, that's loads better," Grace said, looking exhausted but very pleased.

"Well, now we know what to do next time I can't manage a spell," Harry said, throwing a rune dictionary back to Grace, so he could try again, "threaten me with a dragon. Right . . ." He raised his wand once more. "Accio Dictionary!"

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