|5.5| Luna Lovegood

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GRACE COULDN'T UNDERSTAND WHY she and Harry had to go Kings Cross station with a guard. It wasn't like Voldemort or his death eaters were going to jump out of from behind a dustbin and attack them. They weren't dim enough to attack either of them in broad daylight. But Grace supposed it was to grant the Order some peace of mind. On the bright side Grace and Harry got to travel with Sirius (in his dog form, of course) and Tonks, so the journey was entertaining. Sirius would snap at pigeons, scare cats and chase it's own tail much to Grace's and Harry's amusement.

Once inside the station they lingered casually beside the barrier between platforms nine and ten until the coast was clear, then each of them leaned against it in turn and fell easily through onto platform nine and three quarters, where the Hogwarts Express stood belching sooty steam over a platform packed with departing students and their families.

"I hope the others make it in time," said Molly anxiously, staring behind her at the wrought-iron arch spanning the platform, through which new arrivals would come.

"Nice dog, Grace!" called a tall boy with dreadlocks.

"Thanks, Lee," said Grace, grinning, as Sirius wagged his tail frantically.

"Oh good," said Molly, sounding relieved, "here's Alastor with the luggage, look . . ."

A porter's cap pulled low over his mismatched eyes, Moody came limping through the archway pushing a cart full of their trunks.

"All okay," he muttered to Molly and Tonks. "Don't think we were followed. . . ."

Seconds later, Arthur emerged onto the platform with Ron and Hermione. They had almost unloaded Moody's luggage cart when Fred, George, and Ginny turned up with Lupin.

"No trouble?" growled Moody.

"Nothing," said Lupin.

"I'll still be reporting Sturgis to Dumbledore," said Moody. "That's the second time he's not turned up in a week. Getting as unreliable as Mundungus."

"Well, look after yourselves," said Lupin, shaking hands all round. He reached Grace and Harry last and gave them a clap on the shoulder. "especially you two. Be careful."

"Yeah, keep your head down and your eyes peeled," said Moody, shaking their hands too. "And don't forget, all of you — careful what you put in writing. If in doubt, don't put it in a letter at all." 

"It's been great meeting all of you," said Tonks, hugging Hermione, Grace and Ginny. "We'll see you soon, I expect."

A warning whistle sounded; the students still on the platform started hurrying onto the train.

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