|7.12| Tatiana Abildgaard

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MAGNUS ABILDGAARD WAS A tall man, with pale-white skin and his black hair cropped short. He wore a thick black robe which looked like it was made of rich, high-quality material. Grace knew her family was royalty, so this was expected.

But a smile wasn't expected. 

Grace had expected him to be cold with her, to say that she wasn't allowed in this house, and to demand why she had come here. 

She didn't expect a smile at all.

But here he was, standing in front of her, smiling, like any Uncle would at his niece. 

"I must say I was quite surprised when Ivar told me that you're here," said Magnus.

"But I thought you expected me." said Grace, her voice even.

"I knew one day you would come," he said, "but I wasn't sure you would agree to meet me after everything."

"I had to come." she said. "There are some things that I need to clear."

Magnus nodded, "I understand. Let's talk somewhere alone."

Grace stood up and followed her Uncle out of the room. Entering the hall, Grace noticed a large diamond chandelier hanging on the celling of the large hall. They climbed the staircase on the left and turned toward the left corner, appearing in another hallway. This one was smaller than the other, though it had the same magnificence. 

Magnus turned toward the first room on the right side and pushed it open. She silently followed him inside. This room was huge with a high-ceiling and large paned windows. There were shelves made on all the walls, from the bottom and reaching the roof. And in those shelves were books, of all types and genres and colours. Grace had never seen such huge library, even Hogwarts' library was nothing compared to this. She thought how much Hermione would love to visit this place. She imagined Hermione would probably shriek from happiness. A smile appeared on her face at that.

In the middle was large and ornate table, with cushioned chairs. Magnus and Grace sat down on it, facing each other. 

"I know why you have come here, Freya," begin Magnus, his hands folded in front of him on the table. "It's because of the strange dreams you've been having recently."

"How do you know about the dreams?" asked Grace, surprised. 

"Albus told me." he answered. "He said you've been having strange dreams about the Temple of Audhelga."

"Yes," she nodded. "They started in my sixth year and they just keep repeating. Sometimes a clone would appear and stab me with a dagger, and in some my clone would recite a poem, about me and Audhelga. It just keep telling me that I'm destined to die." she paused. "And I just . . . I just don't want to --"

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