|4.18| The Second Task

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HARRY HAD FINALLY MANAGED to figure out what the second task was and along with the he had news. He told them about Mr. Crouch breaking into Snape's office and Moody's and Snape's conversation. As much as they wanted to solve the mystery, they first needed to help Harry survive second task. 

In second task something dear to him would be taken and he had to retrieve it from under the black lake in an hour. The only problem was how was he going to be able to breath under water for an hour?

Ron quite liked the idea of using the Summoning Charm again — Harry had explained about Aqua-Lungs, and Ron couldn't see why Harry shouldn't Summon one from the nearest Muggletown. Hermione squashed this plan by pointing out that, in the unlikely event that Harry managed to learn how to operate an Aqua- Lung within the set limit of an hour, he was sure to be disqualified for breaking the International Code of Wizarding Secrecy — it was too much to hope that no Muggles would spot an Aqua-Lung zooming across the countryside to Hogwarts.

"Of course, the ideal solution would be for you to Transfigure yourself into a submarine or something," Hermione said. "If only we'd done human Transfiguration already! But I don't think we start that until sixth year, and it can go badly wrong if you don't know what you're doing. . . ."

"Yeah, I don't fancy walking around with a periscope sticking out of my head," said Harry. "I s'pose I could always attack someone in front of Moody; he might do it for me. . . ."

"I don't think he'd let you choose what you wanted to be turned into, though," said Grace seriously. "No, I think your best chance is some sort of charm."

So the four of them buried themselves once more among the dusty volumes, looking for any spell that might enable a human to survive without oxygen. However, though Grace, Harry, Ron, and Hermione searched through their lunchtimes, evenings, and whole weekends — though Harry asked Professor McGonagall for a note of permission to use the Restricted Section, and even asked the irritable, vulture-like librarian, Madam Pince, for help — they found nothing whatsoever that would enable Harry to spend an hour underwater and live to tell the tale.

The only good thing about breakfast on Monday was the return of the brown owl Harry had sent to Sirius. Grace watched as Harry pulled off the parchment, unrolled it, and saw the shortest letter Sirius had ever written to him.

Send date of next Hogsmeade weekend by return owl. 

Harry turned the parchment over and looked at the back, but it was blank.

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