|4.1| To the Dursleys

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ARTHUR AND MOLLY WEASLEY weren't at all pleased when they heard that Grace knew about her real identity. They were worried that it would do a bad effect on her. So after reaching home, a big and long conversation took place. There was mainly lot of crying, from both Grace and Mrs. Weasley (Ginny had cried too with them), and after a lot of explanation and history which took almost six hours, everything was fine in the Weasley household. 

Over the summer, news article had been published in Daily Prophet about Grace, her family and her real parents. Most of them was rubbish, but not in a negative way. Fred, George, Ron, Ginny and Percy always accompanied her and never let her be alone for even once. They were determined to not make her feel sad and lost. Her parents on the the hand, treated her like they treated Harry. Grace now understood why she always got what she wanted, why her parents bought her everything new, why she was their favorite, why they never blamed her for anything. And she couldn't help but feel like she didn't belong among them. 

But they were trying. Everyone was trying to make her not feel that way. And slowly everything was going back to normal. Nobody cared that she wasn't biologically related to them, and neither did Grace. And suddenly the truth wasn't scary at all. It just was.

Grace had kept in contact with Sirius over the summer. She didn't call him 'dad', it felt weird, and he never said anything about it, though Grace was sure he noticed it. 

After Harry's uncle and aunt had given him permission to attend the International Quidditch match with them, they had decided to pick him the next day. But unsurprisingly they got late. And moreover, their dad had attached Harry's house fireplace with the floo powder so that they directly take him from there. 

The first one to go had been Arthur Weasley, after which went Fred and George. When Grace arrived on the other side of floo network, there wasn't any space as she landed right on Fred's foot. She, Fred, George and Arthur were crammed in small fireplace.

"What's going on Dad?" said Grace. "Why aren't we getting out?"

"Grace, go back!" said Arthur Weasley. "There isn't any space. Go back quickly and tell Ron —"

"Maybe Harry can hear us, Dad — maybe he'll be able to let us out —" said Fred

Then they stared hammering fists on the boards.

"Harry? Harry, can you hear us?" Arthur called out.

"Mr. Weasley? Can you hear me?" came Harry's voice from other side.

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