|6.6| Snape Victorious

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HARRY DIDN'T RETURN FROM his endeavor. As the train came to a screeching stop, she wondered if something bad happened to him. Hermione seemed more worried than anyone in the compartment, but inside Grace was freaking out. What if Draco did something to him? What if something happened to him?

Getting out of out train, they decided to wait for him, but when he didn't, Ron said maybe he already left the train. 

"Yeah, maybe." said Hermione. "We should head to school then."

"You go ahead." Grace told them. "I'll come later."

"Are you sure?" Hermione looked unsure to leave Grace behind all alone.

"Yeah, I'll return in few minutes." Grace said confidently.

With one last unsure look at her, Hermione and Ron left. Grace turned and began to look for someone important on the almost empty station. 

She collided with the back of a rather short haired woman. The woman turned around and Grace recognized her as Tonks.

"Tonks!" Grace wrapped her in a hug. "I didn't know you were stationed here!"

Much to Grace's sadness, she didn't laugh or even crack a smile.

"It happened all last minute."

Grace noticed she was still looking miserable and her normal bubblegum pink hair, were now brown.

"Are you okay?" Grace asked her worriedly. "You don't look fine. Did Lupin do something?"

At the mention of Lupin, Tonks stiffened and she looked more miserable than before, before forcing a smile on her face. "I'm fine."

"Don't worry, I'm sure Lupin's going to come around." Grace said softly. 

The fake smile on her face fell instantly. "I don't think he will."

"He's fooling himself if he thinks he can resist you for long." Grace told her. "No one can resist a beautiful woman as you."

Tonks let out a smile. "Why're you roaming here anyway? Aren't you supposed to go to school?"

Grace then remembered why she was looking for an Auror in the first place.

"It's Harry." said Grace. "Have you seen him leave the train?"

"No," said Tonks. "I was actually about to go looking for him."

The Lost Legacy || hpDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora