|5.24| Near Escape

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AS A DULL MARCH BLURRED into a squally April, Grace's life seemed to have become one long series of worries and problems again. Umbridge had continued attending all Care of Magical Creatures lessons, Grace got into another detention and her hand ached painfully almost every time, she hated Umbridge. Harry already had things on his plate, with his visions and Snape's classes, he hardly had time to dwell on his feelings. But Grace caught him staring at her many time, though she didn't try to get any close with him. 

Meanwhile, as the teachers and Hermione persisted in reminding them, the O.W.L.s were drawing ever nearer. All the fifth years were suffering from stress to some degree, but Hannah Abbott became the first to receive a Calming Draught from Madam Pomfrey after she burst into tears during Herbology and sobbed that she was too stupid to take exams and wanted to leave school now.

If it had not been for the D.A. lessons, Grace thought she would have been extremely unhappy. She sometimes felt that she was living for the hours she spent in the Room of Requirement, working hard but thoroughly enjoying herself at the same time, she swellled with pride when she saw how much progress Neville had made. Indeed, Grace sometimes wondered how Umbridge was going to react when all the members of the D.A. received "Outstanding" in their Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.s.

"We're finally going to practice the Patronus Charm today." said Grace jovially, clapping her hands together.

They cheered as everybody had been very keen to practice.

"Thanks to multiple requests from Fred, George and Ginny, I'll cast a Patronus, but mainly so you can see the wand movement and incantation."

Grace drew her wand and focused on her favorite memory. Her time spent with Sirius, Harry, Hermione and Ron, when she found out that her dad was very fine. An undeniable smile spread across her face. 

"Expecto Patronum!"  

A beautiful and mighty Abraxan Winged Horse erupted from the tip of her wand. It flew around around the room of requirement, before landing in front of Grace and nudged her hand with its face. Everyone ooh's and and stared at the magnificent patronus in amazement. It bowed then dissipated.

"your patronus is unique to you," said Grace. "it's reflect on your dream and and character traits, but most importantly it'll keep you safe from dementors."

"Can Harry show us his Patrnous?" it was Cho who spoke looking directly at Harry with a smile.

Grace resisted the urge to scowl and turned to Harry. He did not quite look at her, as he whipped his wand and muttered the same incantation and a silver stag erupted from his wand. People applauded for him.

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