Alien To Me | PART 1

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"This place reminds me of when my best friend and I used to go to the woods behind the orphanage and play with frogs..." Marvel said, spotting what looked like coconuts up at the top of a tree.

"Wait...Cap, you're an orphan?"

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Monitor duty, Captain Marvel decided, was probably his least favorite part of being on the Justice League. 

Fighting villains and saving the world was awesome, and he could deal with giving mission reports, (Solomon helped a lot with remembering the details when Cap himself wouldn't have been able to) but monitor duty— sat down in front of a large pair of screens for 2 to 4 hours at a time was taxing on his inner child.

Sure, he had the stamina of Atlas, he could sit there for years if he needed to, but mentally he couldn't stand it. Especially on slow days like this.

The demigod clad in red spandex and golden armor sighed as he rested his chin on his arm. 

He'd been staring at these surveillance monitors for thirty minutes already, and because of the staggered schedule, he wasn't due for a partner (likely Flash since only he and Cyborg could ever really keep up with his rambled train of thought) for another hour. 

He groaned softly as a panoramic view of metropolis flicked by, a yawn escaping his mouth as his head felt heavy on his arm.

"Come on, something. Anything...?" He muttered to himself, feeling slightly guilty for wishing that something would go wrong. 

He knew he should be happy that all was calm— it wasn't often they got days like this, no wildfires, no border disputes, but the demigod couldn't help but wish something would happen and keep him from falling asleep.

"—arvel." Arvel. Arvel? Orville. Ooh, he could go for some popcorn right now. It'd be something to keep him awake, even though he didn't really need to eat in this form. 

Maybe he could zip to the kitchen real quick and—


He tensed at the feeling of a hand gripping his shoulder, his name coming from a gruff-sounding voice. He glanced over his shoulder, where the gloved hand slipped off and blinked at the sight of Batman behind him. 

The Dark Knight was looking at him expectantly— how long had he been there? Had he been thinking out loud? 

Batman's gaze turned into that of a father's, catching his son getting off track in his studies.

Marvel had a feeling that Batman probably was a dad— it'd be kind of weird if Robin wasn't his kid.

"Uh- Batman, Sorry, I didn't see you there." He said after a moment, turning around in his chair and rubbing the back of his neck.

"You seemed to be lost in thought, there, Captain," Batman replied, ignoring Cap's obvious statement. "Any trouble?" He asked, glancing up at the screen. 

Cap was pretty sure that Batman had some way of knowing if the monitor's detected trouble or not, but the Dark Knight hardly ever spent any time around him one-on-one, so he'd go along with it for now.

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