Fatherly Instincts

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Batman tends to be rather...fatherly...towards Captain Marvel.

The Justice League doesn't understand why-- and neither does Batman, it seems.

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"You know that new guy? Captain, uh, what-his-name, Amazing, or something?" Hal asked, sitting down his plate at a table consisting of Barry, Oliver, and unfortunately, Guy Gardner.

"Captain Whitebread?" Guy asked through a mouthful of food, making the brunet roll his eyes and shake his head at the man.

"Captain Marvel," Barry replied.

"Right- that guy," Hal said, grabbing a chip from his bag and putting it in his mouth. "Have you guys noticed that Spooky is like, really kind to the guy? Well, for him, at least. Like, I think I heard him compliment the guy's work the other day. To his face."

"Are you sure, Hal? This is Bats we're talking about. He doesn't really do compliments," Oliver said before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Yeah," Hal said, eating another chip. "That's the thing- Spooky looked confused with himself for a split second after he did it. Like he had no idea why he said that."

"That's...weird..." Barry said, brow furrowed in thought.

"Captain Whitebread probably cursed Batman to compliment him," Guy said with a snort. "I overheard him and Zatanna talking magic a couple days ago, so he probably could."

"That makes zero sense, Guy. Why could Cap curse someone- especially someone like Batman. Do you know the amount of wrath the man would see from Spooky?" Hal asked, raising a brow at the redhead.

"I'm just sayin'- look at how the guy's acts. He's weird. I wouldn't be surprised if he voodoo'ed all of us into thinking he was a good guy or somethin'. He's a bigger boy scout than big blue- no one's really that nice."

Hal, Barry, and Oliver shared a look.

"What other explanation would you three come up with for Bats complimenting a guy he's known for about a week, then looking confused on why he complimented him?" Guy asked, shoving more food into his mouth and making the other three men cringe.

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"Hey, Captain!" Barry called out, gaining the attention of the demigod that was currently looking for a place to sit in the lunch hall. 

His tray had nothing more than an apple on it, which was a little bit confusing, but the speedster ignored it in favor of waving him over.

"Yeah, Flash?" the man asked as he came closer, glancing towards the rest of the people around the table- Arthur, Diana, Hal, and Oliver- before looking back towards the speedster. "You need me to grab something for you?"

The speedster shook his head, a grin appearing on his face. "No, no- come sit with us," he said, scooting over to make room for the man.

The demigod looked unsure for a moment, glancing towards the other heroes at the table before sitting down beside Flash. 

"So, Cap, we were talking about who could be the youngest member of the Justice League," the speedster said, making up an excuse to ask his next question, but pausing when the man tensed slightly.

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