Captain Marvel & His Ukulele

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Some of the heroes are confused when they see Captain Marvel hanging out on the top of the Hall of Justice...with a ukulele.

Song Credit: "Count on Me" by Bruno Mars

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When Clark walked into the monitor room to find half a dozen heroes crowding around a single large monitor, all he could do was look at the group in confusion. 

Surely it wasn't some kind of emergency, was it? They'd be dispatched it if was.

Maybe it was a state of address or something from the President?

Clark cleared his throat, getting the attention of the heroes currently huddled around a screen. Flash lifted his head, blinking at the Man of Steel. "Oh uh- Captain Marvel's on the roof again." He said, getting Clark to furrow his brow.

Captain Marvel could often be found atop the Hall of Justice, usually sat squarely in the middle, leaning against one of the main white pillars the building and spacing out or meditating. 

It was just one of the man's many quirks that they had all become used to over his year of membership.

"And?" He asked, raising a brow. "I'd think we would all be used to it by this point. Leave the man to his own devices. He's not hurting anyone."

Barry glanced back at the screen before meeting the Kryptonian's eyes again. "Well it's just he..." he trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck.

"He brought a ukulele with him."

Superman gave the speedster a confused look before walking over to the terminal. The heroes parted for him, allowing him to see the security feed of the demigod relaxing on the roof, leaning against one of the two pillars with an easygoing smile on his face.

He had a small ukulele in his hands, strumming absently as he hummed to himself. His legs were crossed, a golden boot bouncing to the beat in his head.

"Does he usually...?" Green Arrow trailed off, glancing at Superman. "Uh, have that on him...up there...?"

Superman shook his head. He had no idea.

Captain Marvel started strumming an actual tune on his little instrument, his eyes shut in contentment as he played his little tune. 

The heroes' eyes were glued to the man as he strummed his ukulele.

" out what we're made of...

when we are called to help our friends in need~"

He wasn't a bad singer- quite the opposite actually. His voice was warm and sweet, almost like the audible equivalent of honey. Some of the tension in the surrounding heroes loosened.

"You can count on me like 1, 2, 3,

I'll be there~

And I know when I need it I can count on you like 4, 3, 2,

You'll be there

'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah~"

Captain Marvel set off into a harmonic humming, a smile on his face as he continued to strum his plucky little instrument. It was a completely different side to the demigod than what they were used to seeing.

Usually, the man was either hyper and bouncy like a child on a sugar rush, or stoic and impossibly old, giving off the same vibes that only Diana could, the vibes of someone that had seen far too much in his lifetime, yet somehow found a way to keep going.

This-- this made him look like the 20-something-year old he appeared to be, fresh out of college and confident in his future, despite not knowing what it held for him.

It was comforting, seeing him look so human.

Cap opened his eyes, looking up happily at the clouds in the sky and continuing his little song. The wind blew through his pitch-black hair and rustled it, but the demigod didn't seem to might, only smiling wider as he closed his eyes and sang.

"You'll always have my shoulder when you cry~

I'll never let go,

Never say goodbye..."

There was almost a pang of pain in the Captain's words-- everyone could feel it, even if the man acted like it hadn't been there. 

There was no telling what the man had gone through, what pain he could be withholding, but the people surrounding the monitor were starting to get the feeling that they didn't know Cap as well as they thought they did.

"...You can count on me 'cause I can count on you..."

Cap finished with a quick strum, smiling down at his instrument before glancing directly at the security camera. The heroes on the other side froze. Cap's smile widened and he winked before vanishing in a blur of red and gold.

"That sneaky bastard..." Barry said, grinning as he shook his head at the man's antics.

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