15 Years Later

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(Just a one-shot. Don't ask me to continue this. It gets annoying.)

Three people show up in the Watchtower and confused the living daylights out of the League.

(Also this has Damien x Billy in it so do with that what you will.)

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"Before I call this League meeting to order, does anyone have anything they want to get off their chest? I'm looking at you, Flash." The man at the head of the long oval table said, glancing at the speedster in the red suit. 

The brunet in question smirked and shook his head rapidly in response.

"Nope- nothing here, chief. Totally feeling the mode."

"Right- Well, Batman, what about you?" he asked, turning his attention toward the Dark Knight beside him. The raven-haired man stayed quiet, simply shaking his head. "Alright then."

"Superman. Anything to share?" he asked, looking at the half-Kryptonian beside Batman. He gave a wide smile in return and shook his head before moving his cape out from under him and setting it so that he was no longer sitting on it.

"Nope, all good here Cap!" he said happily. Batman rolled his eyes-- even after all these years, he was still as chipper as ever.

"Great, we can get down to business then," Captain Marvel finished, looking around the table and the assorted heroes that surrounded him. 

"First off, the Watchtower has been getting strange readings from Roanoke, magical discharges and fluctuations. We're going to send a scout out, and if necessary, the rest of the League," he said, glancing around.

Flash was currently tapping his foot at an extremely rapid pace as he listened, which in turn was annoying Cyborg and giving the man a twitch- which the Captain honestly wouldn't have thought possible if he hadn't done the same to the man for many, many years.

Booster Gold was busy flirting with Wonder Woman, and the blonde was not having it, while Stargirl gave him a reassuring if slightly annoyed look. 

Aquaman, on the other hand, was busy quietly conversing with an excited Superman over...something. He never could tell with Kaldur.

The man sighed, running his fingers through his hair. Meetings were always like this-- the League was a chaotic and messy group, but they were like a family. 

Brothers and sisters in arms that never failed to have each others' backs, both on and off the battlefield if the little golden sparks currently zapping Booster were anything to go by.

Even though they were a smaller group than the original League, they still did pretty well for themselves.

Ever since taking up their parents' mantles and revamping the League, things had been stressful for the young adults. 

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